*tarxu/swsi: qa/ywsi.
The headword is the aorist subjunctive active, third person plural, of the rare epic/poetic verb
I bury solemnly (LSJ s.v.), and the entry is generated by its occurrence in
Iliad 7.85 (web address 1); cf. the
scholia there (next note). Hector is challenging the best of the Achaeans to engage in individual battle with him, and is confident of sending his opponent back for such funeral rites; see Kirk, p. 245 and Cunliffe s.v.
tarxu/w, p. 374.
[1] The gloss is the same form as the headword, but from the commonplace verb
qa/ptw; cf.
kappa 2514,
lambda 238 (gloss),
pi 1939 (gloss), and see generally LSJ s.v. The headword is identically glossed by a scholion to the aforementioned Homeric passage (= D
scholia). It is similarly glossed by
Etymologicum Magnum 747.34 (Kallierges) and (glossing the aorist infinitive active
tarxu=sai) Apollonius'
Homeric Lexicon 149.27.
G.S. Kirk, The Iliad: A Commentary, vol. II, gen. ed. G.S. Kirk, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993
R.J. Cunliffe, A Lexicon of the Homeric Dialect, Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1963
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