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Search results for tau,14 in Adler number:
Adler number: tau,14
Translated headword: jot, morsel
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] the shortest and smallest [thing] such as they call crumbs.
Eupolis in
Goats [writes]: "and to live for one who does not know even a jot of culture/music."[1]
Greek Original:*ta/guri: to\ braxu/taton kai\ e)la/xiston oi(=on yila\ le/gousin. *eu)/polis *ai)ci/n: kai\ zh=n maqo/nti mhde\ ta/guri mousikh=s.
Same entry in
Lexicon (and, post-Suda, the
Etymologicum Magnum), similar one elsewhere. The headword is an indeclinable neuter noun.
Eupolis fr. 3 Kock, now 4 K.-A.
Keywords: comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; imagery
Translated by: Francesco Ginelli on 4 November 2012@08:46:19.
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