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Headword: *tarroi/
Adler number: tau,139
Translated headword: crates, flat baskets, pallets, wickerwork frames
Vetting Status: high
In Attic [sc. dialect these are] things plaited out of rushes.[1] At any rate they call the farmers' baskets talaroi.[2] But Aristophanes called [it] a fowl-perch, as follows: "then you look down upon the gods from a basket?"[3] [The one] upon which Socrates was hanging suspended. Or a wickerwork frame, raised somewhat above the ground, upon which hens roost. In some way such as this one must suppose a fowl-perch to have been contrived.[4]
Greek Original:
*tarroi/: *)attikw=s ta\ e)k sxoi/nwn ple/gmata. tou\s gou=n kala/mous tou\s gewrgikou\s tala/rous kalou=si. th\n de\ krema/qran *)aristofa/nhs ou(/tws e)ka/lesen. e)/peit' a)po\ tarrou= tou\s qeou\s u(perfronei=s; e)f' h(=s o( *swkra/ths e)kre/mato. h)\ tarro/s, mete/wro/n ti i)kri/on, e)f' ou(= ai( a)lektori/des koimw=ntai. toiau/thn dh/ tina u(polhpte/on th\n krema/qran e)skeua/sqai.
The Attic headword, already at tau 138, is the nominative plural of the masculine noun tarro/s; see generally LSJ s.v. tarso/s. The entry is generated from an instance of the headword's genitive singular form (tarrou=) in the subsequent quotation: see further below.
[1] This gloss, and indeed the rest of the entry, follows the scholia to the quotation given. [In her critical apparatus Adler reports that ms F reads sxoini/wn.]
[2] cf. tau 38, tau 39.
[3] Aristophanes, Clouds 226 (web address 1): Strepsiades sarcastically asks why Socrates is suspended in mid-air.
[4] This is the generally accepted ancient interpretation; see Dover pp. 126-7. [Adler reports that ms G transmits u(f': under which Socrates was hanging suspended; that mss FV read e)kkremw=ntai (from which hens hang), whereas written above in ms V is koimw=ntai, which the Suda transmits; and that ms F reads th\n toiau/thn.]
K.J. Dover, ed., Aristophanes Clouds, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1968
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: agriculture; botany; comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; imagery; religion; stagecraft; trade and manufacture; zoology
Translated by: Ronald Allen on 28 November 2012@00:06:46.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (tweaks and cosmetics) on 28 November 2012@01:15:11.
David Whitehead (x-refs; another keyword; tweaking) on 28 November 2012@03:08:49.
Catharine Roth (restorative tweak) on 28 November 2012@23:55:44.
David Whitehead on 7 January 2014@04:50:29.


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