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Search results for tau,1232 in Adler number:
Adler number: tau,1232
Translated headword: coincidence, reversal of fortune, unexplained or chance event, luck, fortune, chance
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [
tu/xh means the same as]
suntuxi/a, in
Polybius [writes]:[2] "If indeed one should speak of
tyche in such circumstances;[3] for it is never the case that
tyche gets the repute [i.e. praise or blame, according to the incident in question]
unjustifiably in a situation of this kind, where the real responsibility is that of those in control of affairs, since [their] high reputation follows on from the latter.[4] But the opposite[5] does sometimes occur."[6]
And the Pisidian [writes]:[7] "You feared not ... [troubling illnesses], not the chance events we caused[8] to stand in your way -– if it is proper for me to call failures hits."[9]
Greek Original:*tu/xh: suntuxi/a, para\ *sofoklei=. *polu/bios: ei) xrh\ tu/xhn le/gein e)pi\ tw=n toiou/twn: mh/pote ga\r au(/th me\n kenw=s klhronomei= toiau/thn fh/mhn, ai)/tioi d' ei)si\n oi( xeiri/zontes ta\s pra/ceis, tw=| tai=s au)tai=s e)pitre/xein semno/thta kai\ me/geqos, pote\ de\ tou)nanti/on. kai\ *pisi/dhs: ou)k hu)labh/qhs ou) ta\s di' h(ma=s a)ntiprattou/sas tu/xas: ei) xrh\ kalei=n me ta\s a(marti/as tu/xas.
Oedipus at Colonus 1506, with scholion; cf.
sigma 1650,
sigma 1638. The aged Oedipus greets the arrival of Theseus at that precise moment as a welcome coincidence. For
Sophocles' use of
tu/xh see also
tau 1233 and bibliography.
Polybius fr. 83 Buettner-Wobst; cf.
tau 872,
tau 1234. (For
e)pi\ tw=n toiou/twn cf. 5.98.4, 9.14.3, 28.9.4, 35.17.15.) The reading
mh/pote ga\r has routinely been corrected, on the mss and by modern editors, to
pote\ me\n, so as to balance the later
pote\ de\ and avoid the logic of the original text. The resulting bland aphorism, however, does not reflect
Polybius' view or match the initial "If it is correct to use
tyche in such circumstances": "Sometimes fortune earns this sort of reputation unjustifiably, and the real responsibility is that of those in control of affairs, since their high reputation follows on from the latter."
F.W. Walbank, in accepting the Suda reading, provides the following parallel and observations: "There is a good parallel for the construction in the Suda text here in
Polybius 4.29.4, where
mh/pote is used in precisely this way. 'For it is never the case that private crimes differ from public crimes, except in the extent and quality of their results.'"
[3] "i.e. the kind just mentioned in the incident to which this passage looks back." (F.W.W.)
[4] "i.e. the affairs they control, their position in the state. I take this rather awkward clause to be an explanation of why such men take the responsibility for failure or success. The use of
e)pitre/xein intrans. meaning 'follow on from' is unusual; but that is how the lexikon renders it and I can see no alternative." (F.W.W.)
[5] "i.e. in their case some events are rightly (as opposed to 'unjustifiably') assigned to Tyche." (F.W.W.)
[6] This fragment, although somewhat tortuous, fits well into the admittedly evolving concept of
tyche in
Polybius (see Walbank, Derow and von Fritz in bibliography). It takes its place in his philosophy of what a man must learn from history if he is to become great –- how to master the blows and opportunities presented by fortune (
tyche). This teaching almost certainly derives from
Aristotle (on whom see Weiss's superb study), and is well exemplified by his students Alexander the Great (cf.
Plutarch’s extant treatise on this subject,
Moralia 326D-345B) and
Demetrius of Phalerum (whose lost treatise
On Tyche was used by
Polybius, as von Scala has shown), not to mention by Julius Caesar (cf. Vogt-Spira 1999 in bibliography). See also Buriks, Camacho Rojo, Centrone and Vogt-Spira for the concept in other writers after
Aristotle, sometimes influenced by the cult of Tyche as goddess (cf.
tau 1231). F.W. Walbank observes, "
Polybius certainly believes in the role of Tyche in military affairs; see for example 15.15.5 on Hannibal's failure at
Zama. This would be an example of failure being rightly assigned to Tyche in the case of a great man."
[7] George of
Heraclias (=
Epic on Heraclius) 1.169-71, omitting the first object of the main verb, 'troubling illnesses', given in the quotation of the same passage at
epsilon 3554. The passage refers to the obstacles in the path of Emperor Heraclius I (see Baynes in bibliography) as he undertook his successful campaign to repel the Persians. He had been ill in the summer of 626 (cf.
Bellum Avaricum 258), and certain parties were intent on delaying the campaign. The poet, a major figure in the 7th. Century renaissance (see Pertusi's edition), may include himself by
di’ h(ma=s.
[8] The first of two paradoxes. By definition (at least Aristotelian definition) a chance event cannot have an explained cause, as it has here. The point is that the Emperor’s opponents scored 'hits, successes,' in the old-fashioned sense of the word, but that he, at the height of his powers (1.177ff.), handled them fearlessly as incidental events that the great man takes in his stride (cf. note 4).
[9] This paradox is a scholar's jest. By lexical definition,
tu/xh originally meant a 'hit' on a target, a 'success' (cf.
tau 1234) and
a(marti/a (by now the Christian word for 'sin') meant its opposite, a 'miss' of the target, a 'failure' (cf.
eta 286). The poet asks if he may ignore their etymological history to use one for 'a chance event', the other for actions regarded by the Emperor as 'sins', for which the poet evidently now asks pardon.
Baynes, N.H., in Cambridge Medieval History 2 (Cambridge, 1913) 292ff. (cf. English Historical Review 19 (1904) 694-702, 27 (1912) 287ff.
Buriks, A.A., *peri\ *tu/xhs, Die ontwikkeling… (Leiden, 1948)
Camacho Rojo, J.M., 'El concepto de tyche en Diodoro de Sicilia' and 'Actitudes del hombre frente a la tyche en la Biblioteca Histórica de Diodoro de Sicilia,' in Estudios sobre Diodoro de Sicilia, ed. J. Lens (Granada, 1994) 81-96, 97-116
Centrone, B., 'Felicità e tyche nella riflessione etica dei Greci,' Elenchos 8.1 (1987) 431-37
Derow, P.S. 'Historical explanation: Polybius and his predecessors,' in Greek Historiography, ed. S. Hornblower (Oxford, 1994) 90
von Fritz, K., The Legacy of the Mixed Constitution in Antiquity (New York, 1954) 388-97 ('Polybius' concept of Tyche...')
Giorgio di Pisidia, Poemi: I. Panegirici Epici, ed. A Pertusi (Stud. Patr. Byz. 7, 1960), esp. 247-48, 268-70
von Scala, R., Die Studien des Polybius (Stuttgart, 1890) 158-88 ('Demetrios von Phaleron')
Vogt-Spira, G. Dramaturgie des Zufalls: Tyche und Handeln in der Komödie Menanders (Munich, 1992)
Vogt-Spira, G., 'La Tyché de héros ou l'individu et la contingence: un concept paradoxal? L'exemple de la Fortune de César,' in Le Paradox de héros ou d'Homère à Malraux, ed. J. Dion (Paris, 1999) 95-107
Walbank, F.W., Commentary on Polybius 1 (Oxford 1957) 16-26
Weiss, Hélène, Kausalität und Zufall in der Philosophie des Aristoteles (Bern, 1942, repr. Darmstadt, 1967)
Keywords: biography; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; historiography; history; military affairs; philosophy; poetry; religion; tragedy
Translated by: Robert Dyer on 9 May 2003@13:10:56.
Vetted by:David Whitehead (added x-refs and keyword; cosmetics) on 11 May 2003@07:44:30.
Robert Dyer (typo) on 11 May 2003@10:33:57.
Robert Dyer (The translation of Polybius fr. 83 is now that of Prof. Frank Walbank, graciously transmitted by email on May 19, 2003. He accepts the defence of the Suda reading by the original translator, who gratefully cites from his letter.) on 19 May 2003@07:48:11.
David Whitehead (tweaking) on 16 January 2014@08:37:23.
Catharine Roth (typo) on 24 February 2014@20:12:23.
Catharine Roth (cosmeticule) on 2 November 2014@01:20:17.
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