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Search results for tau,1218 in Adler number:
Adler number: tau,1218
Translated headword: of blind dreams
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Or deceptive [ones]. And perhaps this [verse] was in evidence: "for double are the gates of deceptive dreams."[1] Or [sc. the adjective is used] because they are holding converse with people whose eyes are closed.
Greek Original:*tuflw=n o)nei/rwn: h)/toi tw=n a)pathlw=n. kai\ i)/sws perie/pese tou=to: doiai\ ga/r te pu/lai yeusta/wn ei)si\n o)nei/rwn. h)\ o(/ti mu/ousi prosdiale/gontai.
Same entry in
Photius (tau578 Theodoridis) and other lexica, and in several of the paroemiographers. The headword phrase is regarded as a fragment of Attic tragedy (
Tragica adespota fr. 335 Nauck and Kn.-Sn).
Odyssey 19.562 (web address 1 below: Penelope is telling Odysseus the beggar about her dreams); cf. under
omicron 333.
Leutsch, E.L. and F.G. Schneidewin (eds.). Corpus Paroemiographorum Graecorum. vol. 1. Gottingen: Vanderhoeck and Ruprecht Publishers, 1839
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: definition; dreams; epic; ethics; imagery; poetry; proverbs; tragedy
Translated by: Patrick Hogan on 3 August 2012@18:17:09.
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