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Adler number: tau,1205
Translated headword: Turtaios, Tyrtaios, Tyrtaeus
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Son] of Arkhembrotos; Laconian or Milesian; elegiac poet and piper. The story is that he stirred up the Lacedaemonians with his poems when they were fighting with the Messenians and thus made them victorious. He is from a very early time, a contemporary of the so-called seven sages, or even earlier. He flourished in the 35th Olympiad.[1] He wrote a constitution for the Lacedaemonians, and didactic poems in elegiacs, and warlike songs, in 5 books.
Greek Original:*turtai=os, *)arxembro/tou, *la/kwn h)\ *milh/sios, e)legeiopoio\s kai\ au)lhth/s: o(\n lo/gos toi=s me/lesi xrhsa/menon parotru=nai *lakedaimoni/ous polemou=ntas *messhni/ois kai\ tau/th| e)pikrateste/rous poih=sai. e)/sti de\ palai/tatos, su/gxronos toi=s e(pta\ klhqei=si sofoi=s, h)\ kai\ palai/teros. h)/kmaze gou=n kata\ th\n le# o)lumpia/da. e)/graye politei/an *lakedaimoni/ois, kai\ u(poqh/kas di' e)legei/as, kai\ me/lh polemisth/ria, bibli/a e#.
Keywords: biography; chronology; constitution; ethics; geography; history; law; military affairs; meter and music; poetry
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 5 January 2002@00:26:33.
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