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Search results for tau,1178 in Adler number:
Adler number: tau,1178
Translated headword: impression
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] character.[1]
"Say many things to him on my behalf: if enlisting Aristeides I said that he had 'come among mankind as an impression of eloquent Hermes', I scarcely did him justice, because he is more than an impression."[2]
And Appian [writes]: "when Marcellus the consul had died, Hannibal stood over his body and, when he saw all his wounds were in his chest, praised him as a soldier but berated him as a general. And he took off his ring and made an impression on a letter with the seal of Marcellus before many had heard of his death, and he sent a Roman deserter to carry it, announcing that the army of Marcellus was coming behind and that Marcellus was ordering it to be received."[3]
Greek Original:*tu/pos: xarakth/r. pro/seipe tou/tw| polla\ par' e)mou=: o(\n ei) prolabw\n *)aristei/dhn *(ermou= logi/ou tu/pon ei)s a)nqrw/pous e)/fhn e)lhluqe/nai, mo/lis e)/tuxon th=s a)ci/as, o(/ti ple/on e)sti\n h)\ tu/pos. kai\ *)appiano/s: o( de\ *)anni/bas, *marke/llou tou= u(pa/tou a)poqano/ntos, tw=| sw/mati au)tou= e)pista/s, w(s ei)=de ta\ trau/mata pa/nta e)pi\ tw=n ste/rnwn, e)ph/|nese me\n w(s stratiw/thn, e)pe/skwye de\ w(s strathgo/n. kai\ to\n daktu/lion au)tou= perielw\n e)tu/pwsen e)pistolh\n th=| sfragi=di *marke/llou pri\n ai)sqe/sqai pollou\s peri\ tou= qana/tou, kai\ au)to/molon a)/ndra *(rwmai=on e)/pemye fe/rein, dhlou=nta, o(/ti stratia\ *marke/llou kato/pin e)/rxoito, kai\ o( *ma/rkellos au)th\n u(pode/casqai keleu/oi.
[1] Same gloss (with another) already in
[2] An approximation of
Epistle 101 (illustrating the headword) -- see a translation at web address 1. He is quoting -- both here and again in
Epistle 159 -- a phrase of Aelius Aristeides,
Response to Plato in Defence of the Four, which refers to
[3] An approximation of Appian,
Hannibalic War 218-219; see already at
delta 27. (Rather than the headword, this quotation contains a form of a verb derived from it,
e)tu/pwsen, translated here as 'made an impression'.)
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; clothing; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; historiography; history; medicine; military affairs; mythology; religion; rhetoric; science and technology; trade and manufacture
Translated by: William Hutton on 20 February 2013@23:15:26.
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