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Search results for tau,1164 in Adler number:
Adler number: tau,1164
Translated headword: kettledrums
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Instead of a trumpet the Indians used to strike into the air with whips. They also had kettledrums which sent up a terrible booming from themselves.[1] But their construction was like this: having hollowed out a log of fir, they fitted into it bells of mountain-bronze.[2] Having covered the mouth of the vessel with bull's hide[3] they carried this kettledrum right-side-up into their battles. But when they wanted to make a great din or to give some signal, turning the wooden vessel over onto its mouth they shook it. The bells in it, which were both many and large, and sounding under cover, sent up an indistinct sort of booming sound from inside. For those who did not know, it was not easy to recognize from what instrument or beast [it came], for it was like a bellowing.
Greek Original:*tu/mpana: oi( *)indoi\ a)nti\ sa/lpiggos tai=s ma/sticin a)pektu/poun ei)s to\n a)e/ra. ei)=xon de\ kai\ tu/mpana, frikw/dh tina\ bo/mbon e)c e(autw=n a)nie/nta. h)=n de\ h( kataskeuh\ toia/de. fitro\n e)la/ths koila/nantes e)nh/rmozon e)s au)to\n kw/dwnas o)reixa/lkou. to\ de\ sto/ma tou= a)/ggous taurei/w| de/rmati perikutw/santes mete/wron e)/feron e)s ta\s ma/xas tou=to to\ tu/mpanon. e)pa\n de\ qo/rubon polu\n e)rga/sasqai h)/qelon h)\ shma=nai/ ti, katastre/yantes e)pi\ to\ sto/ma to\ cu/linon a)/ggos e)ti/nasson. oi( de\ e)n au)tw=| kw/dwnes, polloi/ te a(/ma o)/ntes kai\ mega/loi, e)/n te steganw=| h)xou=ntes, a)safh= tina bo/mbon a)ne/pempon e)/ndoqen: o(/nper ou) r(a/|dion h)=n toi=s ou)k ei)do/sin e)pignw=nai, ti/nos h)=n o)rga/nou h)\ qhri/ou: bruxh/mati ga\r e)/oiken.
Keywords: botany; geography; military affairs; meter and music; science and technology; trade and manufacture; zoology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 5 February 2014@01:42:21.
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