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Search results for tau,1136 in Adler number:
Adler number: tau,1136
Translated headword: those things correctly
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Note] that
Zeno[1] makes believing those things correctly known by another a more virtuous form of knowledge than for someone to know himself by himself what is proper -- modifying the saying of Hesiod: "this man [is] altogether best, who believes one who speaks well."[2] [He is] saying [this] instead of 'he will know everything for himself'.
Greek Original:*toi=s o)rqw=s: o(/ti to\ toi=s o)rqw=s u(p' a)/llou gnwsqei=si peisqh=nai, mei/zonos th=s a)reth=s o( *zh/nwn poiei=tai gnw/risma tou= gnw=nai/ tina au)to\n e)c au(tou= ta\ de/onta, th\n *(hsio/dou meqarmo/ttwn r(h=sin: ou(=tos me\n pana/ristos, o(\s eu)= ei)po/nti pi/qhtai: le/gwn, a)nti\ tou= noh/sei pa/nq' e(autw=|.
Julian (the emperor),
On the death of Sallustius 4.11-15. The present headword phrase, extracted from it, is in the dative plural governed by
[1] Of Citium, presumably:
zeta 79.
[2] The allusion is to Hesiod,
Works and Days 293 & 295: "altogether best is this man who will know everything for himself, [...] but noble also is that man who believes one who speaks well."
Keywords: biography; epic; ethics; philosophy; poetry; rhetoric
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 19 February 2014@23:58:00.
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