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Search results for tau,1087 in Adler number:
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Headword: *troi/a
Adler number: tau,1087
Translated headword: Troia, Troy, Ilion, Ilium
Vetting Status: high
Name of a city.
Greek Original:
*troi/a: o)/noma po/lews.
Presumably the one that has generated this entry is the Troy of the Trojan Wars, a.k.a. Ilion (on which see the confused entry at iota 320); present-day Hissarlik in Turkey; Barrington Atlas map 56 grid C2; OCD(4) s.v. Besides iota 320, see also alpha 383, gamma 4, kappa 908, mu 1092, omicron 251, pi 34, pi 3121, pi 3253, sigma 590, tau 1045, tau 1079. But note that at least three others are attested (in Egypt, Epirus and Italy).
Andrew Erskine, Troy between Greece and Rome: local tradition and imperial power (Oxford 2001)
Keywords: definition; epic; geography; mythology
Translated by: Nicholas Fincher on 30 July 2003@04:30:11.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (added x-refs and keywords; cosmetics) on 30 July 2003@04:44:07.
David Whitehead (reworked and expanded note; added bibliography) on 15 August 2011@08:23:03.
David Whitehead on 5 August 2014@08:35:01.


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