Suda On Line
Search results for tau,1070 in Adler number:
Adler number: tau,1070
Translated headword: pulleys, wheels, blocks-and-tackle
Vetting Status: high
Translation: When Alkibiades said that the scolding of Xanthippe was intolerable, Sokrates replied "No: for my part I have got used to it, just as if I were listening to pulleys non-stop".
Greek Original:*troxile/as: *swkra/ths pro\s *)alkibia/dhn ei)po/nta, w(s ou)k a)nekth\ h( *canqi/pph loidorou=sa: a)ll' e)/gwg', e)/fh, sunei/qismai kaqaperei\ kai\ troxile/as a)kou/wn sunexe/s.
One of several anecdotes about S. and his shrewish wife (also mentioned twice under
sigma 829) in
Diogenes Laertius 2.36.
For Alkibiades see generally
alpha 1280.
Keywords: biography; daily life; ethics; imagery; philosophy; science and technology; women
Translated by: David Whitehead on 12 November 2001@07:47:37.
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