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Headword: *troi/hn
Adler number: tau,1045
Translated headword: Troy
Vetting Status: high
[*troi/hn is] by resolution *trwi+kh/n ['Trojan'].
Greek Original:
*troi/hn: kata\ dia/lusin *trwi+kh/n.
Adapted with some corruption and/or misunderstanding from the scholia to Homer's Iliad where the headword (here in the accusative case) occurs multiple times (see esp. the scholia to 1.129, and cf. Etymologicum Gudianum 535.60 - 536.61, Epimerismi Homerici 129b). The issue in the original commentary is whether the name for the city of Troy is disyllabic (*troi/h) or, by resolution of the internal diphthong, trisyllabic (*troi/+h). Ancient commentators were divided on the issue, and both possibilities are usually accommodated by the position of the word in Homer's dactylic meter. The Suda or its source has confused the latter option with a trisyllabic form of the adjective *trwi+ko/s, which does occur in the Iliad (e.g. 10.11), but never in the accusative singular feminine form presented here. Some ancient commentators regard *troi/h as an adjective ['Trojan'] assuming an understood po/lis ['city'], which is occasionally expressed, as at Iliad 1.129, but given the far greater incidence of *troi/h without po/lis, it is probably better to consider such cases as 1.129 as appositional.
Keywords: dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; geography; meter and music; poetry
Translated by: David Whitehead on 23 February 2014@08:21:57.
Vetted by:
William Hutton (modified headword, tweaked translation, augmented notes, added keyword, raised status) on 23 February 2014@17:28:33.
Catharine Roth (cosmeticules) on 24 February 2014@01:37:27.
David Whitehead (cosmetics; raised status) on 24 February 2014@03:40:53.


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