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Search results for tau,1039 in Adler number:
Adler number: tau,1039
Translated headword: into three parts
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] triply.[1]
Homer [writes]: "all is divided into three shares." But "all" is redundant, as in, "the nine all stood up."[2] But "Earth and tall Olympus are something common to all [the gods]." Olympus [is] joined with earth, as [it is] a mountain. But he [sc.
Homer] has done the same also in [the]
Odyssey: "I inhabit well-seen Ithaca, and a leaf-shaking mountain [called] Neriton [is] in it." For he has separated the mountain from Ithaca. But if Olympus were a heavenly part of the heaven, it would not be common [to all], but proper [to Zeus].[3]
Greek Original:*trixqa/: trixh=|. *(/omhros: trixqa\ de\ pa/nta de/dastai. e)/sti de\ to\ pa/nta kata\ parolkh/n: w(s, oi( d' e)nne/a pa/ntes a)ne/stan. *gai=a de/ ti cunh\ pa/ntwn kai\ makro\s *)/olumpos. sunafh\s th=| gh=| o( *)/olumpos, w(s o)/ros. to\ de\ o(/moion kai\ e)n *)odussei/a| pepoi/hke: naieta/w d' *)iqa/khn eu)dei/elon, e)n d' o)/ros au)th=| *nh/riton, ei)nosi/fullon. kexw/rike ga\r to\ o)/ros th=s *)iqa/khs. ei) de\ h)=n o( *)/olumpos tou= ou)ranou= me/ros e)poura/nion, ou)k h)=n koino/s, a)lla\ i)/dios.
tau 1037.
[1] Likewise in the
Synagoge (tau261) and
Lexicon (tau490 Theodoridis), and cf. also the D
scholia on
Iliad 15.189. See further, next note
Iliad 15.189, with scholion, quoting
Iliad 7.161.
Iliad 15.193, with scholion, quoting
Odyssey 9.21-22.
Keywords: botany; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; geography; imagery; mythology; religion
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 7 March 2014@00:53:01.
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