*trittu/s: fulh=s me/ros tri/ton. au(/th ga\r dih/|rhtai ei)s tri/a me/rh, trittu=s kai\ e)/qnh kai\ fatri/as, w(s *)aristote/lhs fhsi/.
Abridged from Harpokration s.v., commenting on the occurrence of the headword in
Aeschines 3.30.
For this headword in another sense, see
tau 1030.
[1] ?
Athenaion Politeia fr.3 (where the noun following trittyes is
ge/nh, in the sense of "clans"). Cf.
phi 136, and see in full S.D. Lambert,
The Phratries of Attica (Ann Arbor 1993, repr. with corrections 1998) appendix 2.
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