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Search results for tau,1019 in Adler number:
Adler number: tau,1019
Translated headword: Tritogeneia
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning she who is] fearsome, astonishing.[1]
Democritus of
Abdera wrote
Concerning things in Hades [and]
Tritogeneia; this is because three things come from her, which hold together all human affairs.[2]
And a proverb is said: "let me have a child Tritogenes, not Tritogeneia." Or because they thought Athena was manly, and provided male children.[3]
Greek Original:*tritoge/neia: fobera/, kataplhktikh/. *dhmo/kritos o( *)abdhri/ths e)/graye *peri\ tw=n e)n a(/|dou, *tritoge/neia: tou=to de/ e)stin, o(/ti tri/a gi/netai e)c au)th=s, a(\ pa/nta a)nqrw/pina sune/xei. kai\ paroimi/a de\ ei)/rhtai: *pai=s moi *tritogenh\s ei)/h, mh\ *tritoge/neia. h)\ o(/ti th\n *)aqhna=n a)ndrw/dh e)no/mizon ei)=nai kai\ pai=das a)/rrenas pare/xein.
See also
tau 1020.
[1] Likewise in the
Synagoge (tau254) and
Lexicon (tau469 Theodoridis); similarly elsewhere. The headword is an epithet of Athena.
Diogenes Laertius 9.46 (from a list of
Democritus' works). On
Democritus see generally
delta 447,
delta 448.
[3] The 'proverb' itself (not in fact in any of the paroemiographers) is copied from here to
pi 895. The Suda's gloss on it here -- also unparalleled elsewhere -- is odd in beginning with 'Or'; seemingly other interpretations have been omitted (or else the comment stems not so much from the proverb as from the previous paragraph).
Keywords: children; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; gender and sexuality; geography; mythology; philosophy; proverbs; religion
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 4 March 2014@01:30:57.
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