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Search results for tau,1017 in Adler number:
Adler number: tau,1017
Translated headword: third-part, tritemorion
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Philemon has stated that a third-part of the obol is 6 coppers.[1] So I wonder, myself, how a fourth-part [tetartemorion] is two coppers. but a third-part six -- unless, properly speaking, that was the name given to the fourth part of the obol, but the tritemorion, as from parts which are four, has three parts when two coppers are added [and so] brings together six coppers.
Greek Original:*trithmo/rion: tou\s #2# xalkou=s ei)/rhke *filh/mwn tou= o)bolou= trithmo/rion. qauma/zw ou)=n e)gw\ pw=s tetarthmo/rio/n ei)si du/o xalkoi=, trithmo/rion de\ e(/c: ei) mh\ a)/ra e)kei=no me\n kuri/ws w)noma/sqh te/tarton me/ros tou= o)bolou=, to\ de\ trithmo/rion, w(s a)po\ tessa/rwn merw=n o)/ntwn, a)na\ du/o xalkou=s, tri/a e)/xon me/rh, e(\c xalkou=s suna/gei.
Same entry in
Photius (who might therefore be the self-referential 'I'); similar but shorter ones elsewhere (including Harpokration s.v., commenting on
Dinarchus fr. XIX.12 Conomis).
cf. generally
tau 1018.
[1] Philemon fr. 76 K-A (74.2 Kock).
Keywords: comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; mathematics; rhetoric; science and technology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 19 May 2011@05:23:44.
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