[Meaning] calculable. Arrian [writes]: "there was also a certain number, not measurable, of camels." And again: "and boulders, not measurable in size, lifted up into the air by cranes, were being thrown at those trying to ascend the wall."[1]
*staqmhto/n: metrhto/n. *)arriano/s: h)=n de\ kai\ kamh/lwn ou) staqmhto/n ti plh=qos. kai\ au)=qis: pe/trai te ou) staqmhtai\ to\ me/geqos a)po\ keraiw=n mete/wroi ai)wrou/menai pro\s tou\s u(pie/nai o(rmw=ntas to\ tei=xos e)ba/llonto.
The headword is an adjective in the neuter nominative/accusative singular or masculine accusative singular (as is the initial gloss); if extracted from the first of the quotations given, as may be presumed, it is nominative singular neuter.
For a similar glossing of a related verb, see
epsilon 3198.
[1] Both quotations are taken to be fragments of Arrian's
Parthica, combined into one in FGrH 156 F166 (= fr. 104 Roos-Wirth), and drawn, in Adler's estimation, from the
Excerpta of Constantine Porphyrogenitus. In these and in other cases where Arrian uses the headword, it is in a negative statement, producing the sense 'immeasurable', as is frequently the case elsewhere in Greek. In the second quotation the nominative plural feminine form of the headword appears.
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