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Search results for sigma,982 in Adler number:
Adler number: sigma,982
Translated headword: straight-up, standing still, straight-over, steadfast
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning something] quick, strong, hot, steady, appearing because of quickness of motion to be standing still.[1]
Plato in
Phaedrus [writes]: "not yet, O Socrates, until the heat has passed! Do you not see that it already stands near mid-day, the so-called [sc. time when the sun is]
standing straight-up?"[2] And it is indeed possible for the [sc. time when the sun is]
standing straight-up to be hottest, it being intense; for then, the sun, when it scorches more, is what they are accustomed to call "quick". But it might also indicate a steadiness, associated with the middle part of the day, and not when [sc. the sun] is not inclining to one extremity.[3] And
Cratinus in
Seriphians [sc. applies the word] to something quick or strong: "thus, the
statheros river-crossing seethes with greedy clothes-stealers."[4] Antimachus [sc. writes]: "of
statheros summertime."[5] Some people also [sc. apply the headword] to something standing still, such as
Aeschylus, in
Spirit-Raisers: "standing water."[6] And
Aristophanes [sc. writes] in
Proagon: "but steadfast [is] the bud of young manhood."[7] It also means stable.[8]
Josephus [writes]: "and seeing that his time of life was stable with experience, he [sc. Nero] appointed him general."[9]
Eunapius [writes]: "but, by the quickness and foresight of the emperor [sc. Valens], the war was brought back to a stable and also safer standpoint."[10] That is [to say] strong, steady.
[Note] that
sta/qeros [comes] from
staqh=nai ["to have stood still"], and from this [comes]
sta/qeros, and
saqro/s ["unsound"] by antiphrasis. Or from "easily shaking" [
sei/esqai r(a|di/ws]: or from shaking the limbs [
sei/esqai ta\ a)/rqra].[11]
Greek Original:*staqero/n: o)cu/, i)sxuro/n, qermo/n, sta/simon, to\ dia\ th\n o)cu/thta th=s kinh/sews e(sta/nai dokou=n. *pla/twn e)n *fai/drw|: mh/pws, w)= *sw/krates, pri\n a)\n to\ kau=ma pare/lqh|. ou)x o(ra=|s, w(s sxedo\n h)/dh meshmbri/a i(/statai, h( dh\ kaloume/nh staqera/; du/natai me/ntoi kai\ qermota/th ei)=nai h( staqera/, o)cei=a ou)=sa: kai\ ga\r to\n h(/lion, o(/tan ma=llon e)kkah=|, o)cu\n ei)w/qasi le/gein. shmai/noi d' a)\n kai\ to\ sta/simon, tw=| me/son ti ei)=nai th=s h(me/ras, kai\ mhd' e)f' e(/teron kli/nein. kai\ *krati=nos d' e)n *seri/fois e)pi\ tou= o)ce/os h)\ i)sxurou=: ou(/tw staqero\s toi=s lwpodu/tais o( po/ros peinw=si pafla/zei. *)anti/maxos: qe/reos staqeroi=o. tine\s kai\ e)pi\ tou= stasi/mou, w(s *ai)sxu/los e)n *yuxagwgoi=s: staqerou= xeu/matos. kai\ *)aristofa/nhs e)n *proagw=ni: staqera\ de\ ka/luc neara=s h(/bhs. shmai/nei kai\ to\ mo/nimon. *)iw/shpos: kai\ staqera\n th\n h(liki/an met' e)mpeiri/as o(rw=n proba/lletai strathgo/n. kai\ *eu)na/pios: o( de\ po/lemos th=| tou= basile/ws o)cu/thti kai\ pronoi/a| kathne/xqh e)pi\ to\ staqero/n te kai\ a)sfale/steron. toute/stin i)sxuro/n, be/baion. o(/ti *staqero\s a)po\ tou= staqh=nai, a)po\ de\ tou/tou staqero/s, kai\ saqro\s kata\ a)nti/frasin. h)\ a)po\ tou= sei/esqai r(a|di/ws: h)\ a)po\ tou= sei/esqai ta\ a)/rqra.
The headword, as glossed, is the masculine neuter nominative/vocative/accusative singular (rather than the masculine accusative singular) of the adjective
staqero/s, -a/, -o/n; see LSJ s.v.
[1] The headword is similarly glossed in
Hesychius and in
Lexica Segueriana 379.23 and 369.18; cf.
Etymologicum Magnum 724.41; the
scholia to Apollonius Rhodius,
Argonautica 1.450;
Anecdota Graeca I (Becker) 305.7; ps.-
Didymus of Alexandria in Miller, p. 402 s.v.
staqero/n; and
Synagoge sigma189. [In her critical apparatus Adler reports that ms V gives the gloss as
to\ o)cu\ kai\ isxuro\n kai\ qermo/n,
what is direct, strong, and hot; also that in the margin of ms A (= Parisinus 2626) there is added
staqhro\s de, a late form (but in the masculine) of the headword (see LSJ s.v.); cf. ps.-
Zonaras 1668.17.
Lexicon and mss GFVM (so Adler) all remove the optative
shmai/noi and read
it indicates.]
Phaedrus 242A (web address 1), with material from the
scholia there: Socrates gets up, about to ford the stream and trek back to
Athens, but the youth invites him to linger, by reason of the midday heat. Here,
staqero/n metaphorically refers to the time of day when the sun is
straight up in the sky and seems to pause as if it were
standing still; cf.
In Platonis Phaedrum scholia 65.8 and
Platonic Lexicon s.v.
staqera/. None too subtly, Phaedrus plays upon the literal meaning of the word (Cobb, p. 196). [Adler reports that ms F replaced the text from
*pla/twn through
me/ntoi with
le/getai kai\ staqera\ meshmbri/a: "[sc. the time when the sun is]
standing straight-up is also said at mid-day."]
[3] Except for
sta/simon (neuter nominative singular of the two-ending adjective
sta/simos, -on;
stable, steadfast, firm, solid; see LSJ s.v.), which has been inserted into the gloss, the entire passage to this point closely approximates
Platonic Lexicon s.v.
Timaeus' next entry,
staqero/s, however, contains
sta/simon as a gloss word; cf. n.8 below.
Cratinus fr.206 Kock (220 K.-A.). The
Seriphians is a lost comedy. Seriphos (Barrington Atlas, map 58 grid G3-H3) is a small Aegean island, one of the western Cyclades. Although the Suda transmits
*seri/fois, it should evidently read
*Serifi/ois, as Porson noted; cf.
tau 257. [Adler reports that ms A, besides
Lexicon and Meineke, all read
o)ce/ws (
sharply, keenly, quickly) instead of
o)ce/os (
quick), genitive singular of
o)cu/s. Meineke further substituted
i)sxurw=s (
strongly) for
i)sxurou= (
strong). Ms V lacks this fragment (so Adler).]
[5] Antimachus fr. 95 Kinkel (30 Wyss). [Adler reports that ms V lacks the attribution of this fragment to Antimachus.]
Aeschylus fr. 276 Radt. [This sentence is omitted by ms V (so Adler).]
Aristophanes fr. 467 Kock (483 K.-A.). [Ms V lacks this sentence (so Adler).]
[8] The entire entry to this point, except for
sta/simon in the gloss (cf. n. 3 above), is given by the third entry for the headword in
Lexicon (sigma489 Theodoridis);
sta/simon, however, does appear as a gloss word in the first
Photius entry for
staqero/n (sigma487). The
Synagoge also glosses
sta/simon and
mo/nimon for the headword at sigma189.
[9] An approximation of
Jewish War 3.6-7; cf.
pi 2732. In late 66 CE, Nero Claudius Caesar (37-68, emperor 54-68; OCD(4) s.v.) sent the Roman general Titus Flavius Vespasianus (9-79, emperor 69-79; OCD(4) s.v. Vespasian) to quash the revolt in Judaea.
Eunapius fr.37 FHG (4.28); cf. Constantine Porphyrogenitus,
Excerpta de legationibus 595.4,7-8 and Blockley, vol. II, pp. 54-55. Having battled the Goths from 366 CE, Valens (Roman emperor 364-378; OCD(4) s.v. and
omicron 764) negotiated a treaty in 369 with their chieftain, Athanaric (d. 381; OCD(4) s.v. and Heather, pp. 118-20). The passage quoted here is a continuation from
alpha 4332 (end). Although he had originally cited this sentence (eg.
alpha 4332 together with this fragment) as exemplary Eunapian hyperbole that might leave readers questioning the historian's judgment (vol. I, pp. 13-4), Blockley could later find
Eunapius' hyperbole deliberate and considerable sarcasm beneath it (vol. II, p. 138). [Adler reports that in ms V, the references to a war and an emperor are dropped, and
Eunapius attributes the quotation to
Polybius: "
Polybius [sc. writes] but by quickness and foresight it was brought back to a stable and also safer standpoint."]
[11] This final part of the passage is paraphrased by
Etymologicum Magnum 707.27 s.v.
saqro/s (
unsound, shaky) and 724.43; cf.
Anecdota Oxoniensia (Cramer) 2.409.25. [Ms M, Adler reports, marginally notes a variant reading:
o(/ti staqero\s a)po\ tw=n staqmw=n kai\ sapro\s kata\ a)nti/frasin: "because
statheros [is] applied to upright standing-posts and to a rotten [one] by antiphrasis."]
E. Miller, Mélanges de littérature grecque, Paris: L'Impremerie Impériale, 1868
W.S. Cobb, Plato's Erotic Dialogues: The Symposium and the Phaedrus, Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1993
R.C. Blockley, The Fragmentary Classicising Historians of the Later Roman Empire: Eunapius, Olympiodorus, Priscus and Malchus, vol. II, Liverpool: Francis Cairns, 1983
P.J. Heather, Goths and Romans: 332-489, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1991
R.C. Blockley, The Fragmentary Classicising Historians of the Later Roman Empire: Eunapius, Olympiodorus, Priscus and Malchus, vol. I, Liverpool: Francis Cairns, 1981
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; clothing; comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; gender and sexuality; historiography; history; imagery; military affairs; philosophy; politics; religion; tragedy
Translated by: Ronald Allen on 24 April 2009@02:48:46.
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