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Search results for sigma,971 in Adler number:
Adler number: sigma,971
Translated headword: zeal
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] the energetic struggle for the good.[1]
"Isidore said that zeal in philosophy was particularly fitting for a young man who was just taking hold of philosophical discourse; but pious eagerness with love of the gods befits especially those who have made progress and are moving farther along, both in age and in philosophy."[2]
Greek Original:*spoudh/: h( peri\ ta\ kala\ su/ntonos a)gwni/a. *)isi/dwros e)/fh th\n me\n e)n filosofi/a| spoudh\n a)ndri\ newte/rw| kai\ a)/rti lo/gwn a(ptome/nw| filoso/fwn ei)=nai prepwdeste/ran, th\n de\ eu)sebh= proqumi/an kai\ filo/qeon prosh/kein mali/sta toi=s h)/dh probebhko/si kai\ po/rrwqen e)lau/nousi, tou=to me\n h(liki/as, tou=to de\ filosofi/as.
Keywords: biography; definition; ethics; philosophy; religion; tragedy
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 31 January 2005@20:49:25.
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