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Search results for sigma,967 in Adler number:
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Headword: *spouda/zw peri\ to\n a)/ndra
Adler number: sigma,967
Translated headword: I am solicitous for the man
Vetting Status: high
Demosthenes [in the speech] Against Meidias [sc. uses this verb].[1] Theopompus in Epitome of the [Histories] of Herodotus has it mean I am anxious. The same [writer] in the Epitome has it mean I want.[2] Plato in [book] 3 of Republic has it mean not as a game but seriously.[3] Apollodorus of Carystus in Hunger-strikers has it mean I crave.[4] Xenophon in Symposium [uses the verb] talking seriously to mean talking solemnly.[5] "What are you keen on?" -- meaning what are you concerned about? Alexis too [says] this.[6]
"And he entrusted some of the warships [to the quaestors], being anxious to have what the camp needed conveyed to it." Polybius [says this].[7]
Greek Original:
*spouda/zw peri\ to\n a)/ndra: *dhmosqe/nhs kata\ *meidi/ou. e)pi\ de\ tou= katepei/gomai *qeo/pompos e)pitomh=| tw=n *(hrodo/tou. e)pi\ de\ tou= bou/lomai o( au)to\s e)n th=| e)pitomh=|. e)pi\ de\ tou= mh\ paigniwdw=s, a)ll' e)spoudasme/nws *pla/twn *politei/as g#. e)pi\ de\ tou= li/an qe/lw *)apollo/dwros *karu/stios *)apokarterou=sin. e)pi\ de\ tou= semnologei=n to\ spoudaiologh=sai *cenofw=n *sumposi/w|. ti/ni speu/deis; a)nti\ tou= ti/ni spouda/zeis; ou(/tws kai\ *)/alecis. kai/ tina tw=n makrw=n ploi/wn e)cape/steile, spouda/zwn tw=| stratope/dw| ta\ pro\s th\n xrei/an. *polu/bios.
The first and major part of this entry is also in Photius (sigma476 Theodoridis).
[1] Nothing in Demosthenes 21, as transmitted, corresponds exactly to this headword phrase as a whole (which must be quoted from somewhere else, unidentifiable). Rather, its verb does occur there in chs.4 and 213 (as noted by Adler and Theodoridis) and also in ch.195.
[2] Theopompus FGrH 115 F4 (for both passages).
[3] Plato, Republic 403B, 405A.
[4] Apollodorus fr. 3 Kock (and K.-A.).
[5] Xenophon, Symposium 8.41.
[6] Alexis fr. 309 Kock (310 K.-A.).
[7] Polybius 1.52.7; cf. generally epsilon 3195.
Keywords: biography; comedy; definition; ethics; historiography; history; military affairs; philosophy; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 4 November 2001@08:37:12.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (set status) on 30 December 2004@00:35:25.
David Whitehead (augmented n.1; added a keyword) on 1 January 2005@07:22:38.
David Whitehead (tweaks) on 19 August 2011@07:41:34.
David Whitehead (added primary note and expanded n.1) on 19 August 2011@07:46:16.
David Whitehead on 31 December 2013@07:09:43.


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