Attic [sc. authors spell it] with an oxytone accent.
Aristophanes in
Frogs [writes]: "but apply a sponge to my heart."[1] And elsewhere,
Aristophanes [writes]: "stuffed with a sponge." Either because they were bringing a pot, in which there was a sponge filled with honey [...][2]
*spoggia/: o)cuto/nws *)attikoi/. *)aristofa/nhs *batra/xois: a)ll' oi)=se pro\s th\n kardi/an mou spoggia/n. kai\ au)=qis *)aristofa/nhs: spoggi/w| bebusme/non. h)\ o(/ti xu/tran e)/feron, e)n h(=| h)=n spo/ggos me/litos peplhrwme/nos.
The headword is the nominative singular form of a feminine noun which is also attested (more rarely) with the accentuation
spoggi/a. The form here serves as a general lexical reference and is not represented in the quotations that follow.
Frogs 487, exhibiting the accusative singular form of the headword.
Acharnians 463. The fragmentary comment, derived from the
scholia, is presented more fully in
beta 224. In the quotation it is not the headword that appears but the dative singular of the neuter by-form
spoggi/on; meanwhile the comments use yet another related noun, the masculine
spo/ggos (on which see
sigma 953).
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