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Search results for sigma,898 in Adler number:
Adler number: sigma,898
Translated headword: to threadpack
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] to speak aimlessly, or to consume profligately.[1] Or to work.
Aristophanes in
Clouds [writes]: "I said, woman, you are threadpacking too much." Meaning you are working [too much].[2]
"For they had reached such a state of need from the scarcity of essentials as to moisten the roofing-thatch and give it to the draft-animals as feed."[3]
Greek Original:*spaqa=n: ei)kh=| le/gein, h)\ a)nali/skein a)sw/tws. h)\ e)rga/zesqai. *)aristofa/nhs *nefe/lais: e)/faskon, w)= gu/nai, li/an spaqa=|s. a)nti\ tou= e)rga/zh|. e)s tou=to ga\r h)=lqon a)na/gkhs tw=n e)pithdei/wn spa/nei, w(s tou\s o)ro/fous bre/xontas dido/nai ei)s trofh\n toi=s u(pozugi/ois.
The headword, which literally refers to the packing of woof threads on a loom with a blade-like instrument (
spa/qh), is the present active infinitive of the verb
spaqa/w (cf.
sigma 900). The verb does not occur in this form in the quotations given, but does occur as a generic lexical reference in the
scholia to
Aristophanes (see n. 2).
[1] =
Photius sigma430 Theodoridis; cf.
Phrynichus fr. 300 (=
Photius delta52, Suda
delta 64).
Clouds 55, with scholion.
[3] Quotation (transmitted, in Adler's view, via the
Excerpta Constantini Porphyrogeniti) unidentifiable. It does not contain any form of the headword verb, but does contain a form of the lookalike noun
spa/nis ('scarcity'). It may therefore be, as Kuster suggested, a misplaced illustration for the Suda's entry for that word,
sigma 903.
Keywords: agriculture; architecture; botany; children; comedy; daily life; definition; economics; ethics; food; gender and sexuality; imagery; poetry; science and technology; trade and manufacture; women; zoology
Translated by: William Hutton on 17 March 2014@00:04:46.
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