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Headword: *swfrosu/nh
Adler number: sigma,892
Translated headword: moderation, temperance
Vetting Status: high
Some people define this metaphorically as 'symphony'.[1] Temperance is a quality and a disposition of character; but symphony strictly [applies] to a melody; and it is one of the things that are relative. Symphony is also applied to sounds.[2]
Temperance[3] is called the opposite to madness, from the [condition of] having sound [soas] wits [phrenas]. And when the Apostle [Paul] had heard the governor [Festus saying to him] "Paul, you are mad: so much learning turns you round to madness!," replied "I am not mad, but I am speaking words of temperance and truth, having differentiated temperance from madness."[4] Accordingly temperance [is] all that is unerring. Some people do well when they allot its appellation par excellence to the exercise of purity, which is the most eminent among the other [virtues]. Accordingly, if [temperance] were to be contrasted with madness, it indicates composure; but if [it were to be contrasted] with debauchery, it means continence and purity.
Greek Original:
*swfrosu/nh: tau/thn metaforikw=s tines o(ri/zontai sumfwni/an. e)/sti de\ h( swfrosu/nh poio/ths kai\ e(/cis: h( de\ sumfwni/a kuri/ws e)pi\ me/lous: kai/ e)sti tw=n pro/s ti. kai\ e)pi\ fqo/ggwn de\ ta/ttetai h( sumfwni/a. *swfrosu/nh de\ le/getai h( a)ntidiastellome/nh th=| mani/a|, para\ to\ sw/|as e)/xein ta\s fre/nas. kai\ o( *)apo/stolos para\ tou= h(gemo/nos a)kou/sas, mai/nh| *pau=le: ta\ polla/ se gra/mmata ei)s mani/an peria/gei: ou) mai/nomai, fhsi/n, a)lla\ swfrosu/nhs kai\ a)lhqei/as r(h/mata fqe/ggomai, th=| mani/a| th\n swfrosu/nhn a)ntidiastei/las. swfrosu/nh me\n ou)=n pa=n to\ a)nama/rthton. ne/mousi d' au)th=s th\n proshgori/an kat' e)coxh\n eu)= poiou=nte/s tines tw=| th=s a(gnei/as pra/gmati, e)coxwta/tw| tw=n a)/llwn u(pa/rxonti. ei) me\n ou)=n th=| mani/a| a)ntidiastalei/h, to\ kaqesta/nai mhnu/ei: ei) de\ th=| lagnei/a|, th\n e)gkra/teian kai\ th\n a(gnei/an dhloi=.
See also sigma 890, sigma 891
[1] See Plato, Republic 430D-E.
[2] cf. Alexander of Aphrodisias, Commentaries on Aristotle's Topica 324.9-15 and 511.12-13.
[3] The source now becomes Isidore of Pelusium, Letters 3, 266.
[4] An approximation of Acts 26:24, the passage where Paul appeals to Agrippa to believe in what the prophets said.
Keywords: Christianity; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; gender and sexuality; imagery; meter and music; philosophy; religion
Translated by: Marcelo Boeri on 21 July 2003@23:53:36.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (some modifications to tr; augmented notes and keywords; cosmetics) on 22 July 2003@04:25:09.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 4 October 2005@09:10:43.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 18 October 2005@06:56:39.
David Whitehead on 31 December 2013@05:14:12.
David Whitehead (codings) on 26 May 2016@06:16:26.
Catharine Roth (tweaked translation) on 23 March 2022@00:57:29.


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