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Adler number: sigma,89
Translated headword: Sanatroukes, Sanatruces
Vetting Status: high
Translation: King of [the] Armenians,[1] who had a body of moderate size but attained greatness in mind toward all things, not least in the deeds of war. He was thought to have become a stern protector of justice and [a man] in his daily life chastened no less than the greatest of both the Greeks and the Romans.
Greek Original:*sanatrou/khs, *)armeni/wn basileu/s, o(\s to\ me\n sw=ma cu/mmetron ei)=xe, th\n gnw/mhn de\ me/gas e)tu/gxanen ei)s a(/panta, ou)x h(/kista de\ ei)s ta\ e)/rga ta\ pole/mia. e)do/kei de\ kai\ tou= dikai/ou fu/lac a)kribh\s gene/sqai kai\ ta\ e)s th\n di/aitan i)/sa kai\ toi=s krati/stois *(ellh/nwn te kai\ *(rwmai/wn kekolasme/nos.
Arrian, Parthica fr. 77.
[1] More exactly, a Parthian who briefly (c.113-c.116) ruled the Armenians.
Keywords: biography; ethics; geography; historiography; history; law; medicine; military affairs
Translated by: Ryan Stone on 21 January 2008@22:23:31.
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