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Search results for sigma,88 in Adler number:
Adler number: sigma,88
Translated headword: Sampson, Samson
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Now when a certain man [named] Sampson coming into the city of the tribe of Benjamin[1] saw his own wife seized by the tribesmen and dishonored by the multitude, he took away her dead body; and he personally cut her into pieces to display to the 12 tribes, to bear witness to the lawlessness of Benjamin. And they exacted [sc. punishment for] her straightaway: going up against the cities, they destroyed the tribe of Benjamin, consuming 80 and 7 thousands.
Greek Original:*samyw/n: o(/ti e)pi\ *samyw\n a)nh/r tis poreuo/menos e)n po/lei fulh=s *beniami\n u(po\ tw=n e)mfuli/wn a(rpagei=san th\n e(autou= gameth\n e)qea/sato kai\ kataisxunqei=san u(po\ plh/qous a)pe/labe nekra/n: au)to\s de\ katatemw\n au)th\n e)pi\ ta\s ib# e)cape/steile fula/s, ei)s martu/rion th=s a)nomi/as *beniami/n. kai\ oi( me\n paraxrh=ma labo/ntes au)th/n, a)naba/ntes e)pi\ ta\s po/leis e)cei=lon th\n fulh\n *beniami/n, p# kai\ z# katanalw/santes xilia/das.
For Sampson (and the spelling discrepancy) see already
sigma 87. For the present material cf.
beta 240.
[1] a.k.a. Timnah. See generally J.C.H. Laughlin,
Fifty Major Cities of the Bible (2006) 226-230.
Keywords: biography; ethics; gender and sexuality; geography; law; military affairs; religion; women
Translated by: Ryan Stone on 22 January 2008@21:34:35.
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