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Search results for sigma,87 in Adler number:
Adler number: sigma,87
Translated headword: Sampson, Samson
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Son of Manoah,[1] judge of the Hebrews, a mighty man. Now in the beginning this man prevailed over his bodily pleasures, and he ruled over his enemies; but when he was weakened in the mind by Delilah the harlot,[2] and at the same time degenerated in both self-control and strength, bound by his enemies, he was carried off to Gaza, deprived of his sight, and handed over to grind in the mill-house.[3] But he was destroyed along with his enemies when he fell upon the pillars of the temple, saying, "Let Sampson depart [from life] with his enemies." So that is how he died, having been judge of the people for 20 years.
Greek Original:*samyw/n: pai=s *manwe/, krith\s *(ebrai/wn, a)nh\r i)sxuro/s. a)/xri me\n ou)=n ou(=tos e)kra/tei tw=n tou= sw/matos h(donw=n, tw=n polemi/wn kateduna/steuen: e)peidh\ de\ u(po\ *dalida= th=s po/rnhs u(pekla/ph to\n nou=n, a(/ma kai\ th=s swfrosu/nhs kai\ th=s i)sxu/os e)ce/pesen: u(po/ te tw=n e)nanti/wn a(lou\s de/smios e)s *ga/zan a)ph/xqh kai\ tw=n o)/yewn sterhqei\s e)do/qh a)lh/qein e)n mulw=ni. dio\ dh\ sumpesw\n toi=s tou= i(erou= ki/osi sunapw/leto toi=s e)nanti/ois, ei)pw/n, a)pelqe/tw dh\ *samyw\n meta\ tw=n a)llofu/lwn. kai\ o( me\n ou(/tw diefqa/rh, kri/nas to\n lao\n e)/th k#.
'Sampson' (again
sigma 88) is the name as transliterated from the Greek; 'Samson' reflects the Hebrew.
The present entry's material on him is John of
Antioch fr.16 FHG (4.549), now 29 Roberto. Besides
sigma 88, see also under
epsilon 1430,
epsilon 1432,
iota 730,
kappa 1112,
phi 832.
[1] Manoah: the father of Sampson found in
Judges 13:2.
[2] Delilah (
delta 31); for an account of Sampson's relationship with Delilah, see
Judges 16.
[3] Grinding in the mill-house: see
Judges 16:21.
Keywords: biography; chronology; ethics; food; gender and sexuality; geography; historiography; law; religion; trade and manufacture; women
Translated by: Ryan Stone on 21 January 2008@21:53:53.
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