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Headword: *sw/stratos
Adler number: sigma,866
Translated headword: Sostratos, Sostratus
Vetting Status: high
Of Sikyon,[1] nicknamed Akrokhersites [Finger-ends]. For by seizing the fingertips of his opponent he broke them off and did not let go before ascertaining that the man had given in. There was also Leontiskos, a Messenian out of Sicily, who competed in a similar way to Sostratos; for the latter entered the pankration, whereas Leontiskos did this while wrestling. [They say that] he was taught by Klearchos, a pupil of Eucheiros of Corinth and Chilon of Patrai.
Greek Original:
*sw/stratos, *sikuw/nios, e)pi/klhn a)kroxersi/ths. e)pilambano/menos ga\r a)/krwn xeirw=n tou= a)ntagwnistou= e)/kla kai\ ou) pro/teron h)fi/ei, pri\n ai)/sqoito a)pagoreu/santos. h)=n de\ kai\ *leonti/skos *messh/nios e)k *sikeli/as, paraplhsi/ws a)gwnizo/menos *swstra/tw|: o(\ ga\r e)kei=nos e)poi/ei pagkratia/zwn, tou=to o( *leonti/skos palai/wn. didaxqh=nai de\ au)to\n para\ *klea/rxw| maqhth=| *eu)xei/rou tou= *korinqi/ou kai\ *xi/lwnos *patre/ws.
From Pausanias 6.4.1-6 (web address 1); cf. alpha 1023 and lambda 258.
[1] In the NE Peloponnese (Greece); sigma 403
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: athletics; biography; geography
Translated by: David Whitehead on 4 November 2001@06:58:11.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (added link, set status) on 12 May 2004@19:44:03.
David Whitehead (augmented headword, notes, keywords; typo) on 13 May 2004@04:09:52.
David Whitehead on 19 August 2011@05:34:02.


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