[sc. An epithet of] Hermes.
*sw=kos: o( *(ermh=s.
The headword is applied to Hermes in
Iliad 20.72 (web address 1). The line is quoted by Lucian,
Juppiter Tragoedus 40.
Iliad 11.427-457 'Sokos' appears as a human proper name, that of a Trojan warrior killed by Odysseus.)
cf. generally
sigma 832.
Catharine Roth (added link, augmented note, set status) on 26 December 2004@23:06:26.
David Whitehead (expanded note; modified keywords) on 1 January 2005@10:46:35.
David Whitehead (expanded note; cosmetics) on 19 August 2011@04:43:40.
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