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Adler number: sigma,829
Translated headword: Socrates, Sokrates
Vetting Status: high
Translation: The son of Sophroniscus, a stonecutter, and, as his mother, of Phaenarete, a midwife. At first he [sc. too] became a stonecutter, so that they say that his task was the Graces embedded in
Athens; then, he took up philosophy after hearing the lectures of
Anaxagoras of Clazomenae, then of
Damon, and then of Archelaus.
Aristoxenus however says that he listened to Archelaus first. He also said that he [sc. Socrates] became his [sc. Archelaos'] beloved, and was very intense in erotic matters, but without any wrong-doing, as
Porphyry says in the
Philosophic History.[1] When he had arrived at manhood he went on campaign to
Amphipolis and Potidaea and [sc. he fought] at Delion. He was married twice, to Xanthippe, from whom he begot a son
Lamprocles, and then as a second wife, to Myrto, the daughter of Aristeides the Just, by whom were born Sophroniscus and Menedemus or Menexenus, as some think.[2] And he lived approximately in the time of the Peloponnesian War, in the 77th Olympiad,[3] and he lived 80 years, then because of the irrationality -- or rather the madness -- of the Athenians, was forced to drink hemlock and died, having left nothing in writing or, as some claim, a hymn to Apollo and Artemis and an Aesopic fable in epic verse. Among the philosophers he trained was
Plato, who left the Lyceum, a place in
Athens, and transferred the school in a suburb, called the Academy, and those who followed were called the Academics until
Aristotle. Now he [sc.
Aristotle] had been a disciple of
Plato and passed his time in a certain garden outside the city. From his strolling around he gave the name Peripatetics to his followers. Amongst them was
Aristippus the Cyrenaean, who introduced his own sect and established a school called the Cyrenaic; Phaedo the Elean, who established his school called after him the Eleatic, but later it was called the Eretrian -- since Menedemus taught in
Eretria -- and from this teacher Pyrrhus too arose;
Antisthenes, who introduced the Cynic sect;
Euclides of Megara, who established his own school, which is named Megarian after him, but from Clinomachus the disciple of
Euclides it was [sc. also] called the Dialectic [school];
Xenophon the son of Gryllus;
Aeschines; Lysanias of Sphettos;[4]
Cebes of
Thebes, Glaucon of
Athens; Bryson of
Heraclea -- [it was he] who introduced eristic dialectic after
Euclides, whereas Clinomachus augmented it, and whereas many came on account of it, it came to an end with
Zeno of Citium, for he gave it the name Stoic, after its location [a stoa], this having occurred in the 105th Olympiad (but some [say that] Bryson was a student not of Socrates but of
Euclides; Pyrrho was also a student of his, from whom the Pyrrhics get their name); Alcibiades, Critobulus, Xenomedon, and
Apollodorus, [all of them] Athenians; in addition
Crito and Simo(n), Eumares the Philasian [= Phliasian],
Simmias the Theban, Terpsion the Megarian, Chaerephon. And
Theodorus, who was called 'the atheist', also was a disciple of his; holding an opinion about moral indifference and teaching it, he founded his own sect, which is called the Theodoran.
[It is said] that[5] when Socrates took up philosophy, he became a student of Archelaus the natural philosopher. But he placed moral philosophy first[6] and had well-known citizens [sc. as students]:
Xenophon, Alcibiades,
Antisthenes; the Thebans
Simmias and
Cebes; the Cyrenaean
Aristippus, Phaedon, and
Euclides the Megarian. He said that a guardian spirit [
daimonion] associated with him. He even learned to play the
kithara from
Conon, although he was already elderly.[7] When he was teased by
Solon,[8] he said, 'Better a late learner than ignorant'. By Xanthippe he fathered Sophroniscus and
Lamprocles. He was envied because most of the young men were erotically attracted to him. And first
Aristophanes wrote a comedy, the
Clouds, against him, charging that he corrupted the youth and was an atheist, because he swore by 'the dog' and 'the plane-tree'[9] in an exaggeration of religiosity. Finally Anytus and Meletus indicted him on these charges and won their case. In the assessing of punishments he proposed dinners in the Prytaneum whereas they proposed death.[10] Moreover he was confined for some time until the delegation of official observers should return from
Delos. And it was not allowed, once the ship had set sail until it returned to port, for anyone to be judicially executed. Although
Crito proposed exile for him, he rejected the idea, for he said that one ought not to violate the laws. When he had drunk the hemlock, he recalled a vow he had made and said, 'Sacrifice to Asclepius'. A man by the name of Cyrsas,[11] of Chian stock, came to associate with Socrates. As he slept by the tomb, [Socrates] appeared in a dream and conversed with him. So he straightway sailed home having only this profit from the philosopher.
Greek Original:*swkra/ths, *swfroni/skou liqoco/ou kai\ mhtro\s *fainare/ths mai/as: pro/teron geno/menos liqoco/os, w(/ste kai/ fasin au)tou= e)/rgon ei)=nai ta\s *)aqh/nhsin e)ndedume/nas *xa/ritas: ei)=ta filosofh/sas dia\ to\ a)kou=sai *)anacago/rou tou= *klazomeni/ou, ei)=ta *da/mwnos, ei)=ta *)arxela/ou. *)aristo/cenos de\ *)arxela/ou prw=ton au)to\n diakou=sai le/gei: gegone/nai de\ au)tou= kai\ paidika/, sfodro/tato/n te peri\ ta\ a)frodi/sia, a)lla\ a)dikh/matos xwri/s, w(s *porfu/rios e)n th=| *filoso/fw| i(stori/a| fhsi/n. ei)s de\ a)/ndras e)lqw\n e)strateu/sato ei)/s te *)amfi/polin kai\ *poti/daian kai\ e)pi\ *dhli/w|. kai\ gametai=s de\ sunw/|khse du/o, *canqi/pph|, a)f' h(=s e)/sxen ui(o\n *lamprokle/a: kai\ deute/ra| *murtoi=, th=| *)aristei/dou tou= dikai/ou qugatri/, e)c h(=s e)ge/neto *swfroni/skos kai\ *mene/dhmos h)\ *mene/cenos, w(/s tisi dokei=. kai\ e)pi\ me\n tw=n *peloponnhsiakw=n ge/gonen, w(s tu/pw| ei)pei=n, o)lumpia/di oz#, e)bi/w de\ e)/th p#, ei)=ta a)logi/a|, ma=llon de\ a)ponoi/a| tw=n *)aqhnai/wn biasqei\s piei=n kw/neion a)pe/qanen, e)/ggrafon ou)de\n katalipw\n h)/, w(/s tines bou/lontai, u(/mnon ei)s *)apo/llwna kai\ *)/artemin, kai\ mu=qon *ai)sw/peion di' e)pw=n. filoso/fous de\ ei)rga/sato *pla/twna, o(\s katalipw\n to\ *lu/keion, to/pos de\ ou(=tos *)aqhnw=n, meth/gage th\n sxolh\n e)n proastei/w|, th=| *)akadhmi/a| prosagoreuome/nh|, kai\ oi( a)p' au)tou= *)akadhmai+koi\ proshgoreu/qhsan me/xri *)aristote/lous: au)to\s ga\r a)kroath\s tou= *pla/twnos geno/menos, ei)s kh=po/n tina pro\ th=s po/lews ta\s diatriba\s poihsa/menos e)k tou= kat' au)to\n peripa/tou *peripathtikou\s w)no/mase tou\s a)p' au)tou=: kai\ *)ari/stippon *kurhnai=on, o(\s i)di/an ai(/resin ei)sh/gage kai\ sxolh\n sunesth/sato, th\n *kurhnai+kh\n klhqei=san: *fai/dwna *)hlei=on, kai\ au)to\n i)di/an susth/santa sxolh/n, th\n *)hleiakh\n a)p' au)tou= klhqei=san, u(/steron de\ au(/th *)eretriakh\ e)klh/qh, *menedh/mou ei)s *)eretri/an dida/cantos: e)k tou/tou de\ tou= didaska/lou kai\ o( *pu/rrwn ge/gonen: *)antisqe/nhn, o(\s th\n *kunikh\n ei)sh/gagen ai(/resin: *eu)klei/dhn *megare/a, kai\ au)to\n i)di/an susthsa/menon sxolh/n, h(/tis a)p' au)tou= e)klh/qh *megarikh/, a)po\ de\ *kleinoma/xou tou= maqhtou= *eu)klei/dou e)klh/qh *dialektikh/: *cenofw=nta *gru/llou, *ai)sxi/nhn, *lusani/an *sfh/ttion, *ke/bhta *qhbai=on, *glau/kwna *)aqhnai=on, *bru/swna *(hraklew/thn: o(\s th\n e)ristikh\n dialektikh\n ei)sh/gage meta\ *eu)klei/dou, hu)/chse de\ *kleino/maxos, kai\ pollw=n di' au)th=s e)lqo/ntwn, e)/lhcen ei)s *zh/nwna to\n *kitie/a: ou(=tos ga\r a)p' au)tou= *stwi+kh\n e)k tou= to/pou th\n sxolh\n w)no/mase, gegonw\s e)pi\ th=s rke# *)olumpia/dos: tine\s de\ *bru/swna ou) *swkra/tous, a)ll' *eu)klei/dou a)kroath\n gra/fousi: tou/tou de\ kai\ *pu/rrwn h)kroa/sato, a)f' ou(=per oi( *purrw/neioi prosagoreuo/menoi: *)alkibia/dhn, *krito/boulon, *cenomh/dhn, *)apollo/dwron *)aqhnai/ous: e)/ti de\ *kri/twna kai\ *si/mwna, *eu)ma/rh *filia/sion, *simmi/an *qhbai=on, *teryi/wna *megariko/n, *xairefw=nta. kai\ *qeo/dwros de/, o( e)piklhqei\s a)/qeos, au)tou= dih/kousen: a)diafori/an de\ doca/zwn kai\ paradidou\s ai(/resin i)di/an eu(=ren, h(/tis *qeodw/reios e)klh/qh. tau=ta peri\ *swkra/tous. o(/ti *swkra/ths filosofh/sas u(/steron *)arxela/ou tou= fusikou= maqhth\s e)ge/neto: th\n h)qikh\n de\ e)pre/sbeuse filosofi/an. e)/sxe de\ gnwri/mous poli/tas me\n *pla/twna, *cenofw=nta, *)alkibia/dhn, *kriti/an, *)antisqe/nhn: *qhbai/ous de\ *simmi/an kai\ *ke/bhta: *kurhnai=on de\ *)ari/stippon, *fai/dwna, *eu)klei/dhn *megare/a. daimo/nion d' au)tw=| prosomilei=n e)/legen. e)ma/nqane de\ kai\ kiqari/zein para\ *ko/nwni, ge/rwn h)/dh w)/n: skwfqei\s de\ u(po\ *so/lwnos, o)yimaqh/s ei)=pe ma=llon h)\ a)maqh/s. e)k *canqi/pphs de\ e)/sxe *swfroni/skon kai\ *lamprokle/a. tw=n ne/wn de\ tw=n plei/stwn e)rwtikw=s peri\ au)to\n sxo/ntwn, e)fqonh/qh. kai\ prw=tos *)aristofa/nhs ta\s *nefe/las gra/yas e)kwmw/|dhsen au)to\n w(s diafqei/ronta tou\s ne/ous kai\ a)/qeon, dio/ti to\n ku/na kai\ pla/tanon di' u(perbolh\n deisidaimoni/as w)/mnuen: u(/steron de\ *)/anutos kai\ *me/lhtos e)pi\ tou/tois au)to\n e)gra/yanto kai\ ei(=lon: e)n tw=| timh/mati de\ e(auto\n th=s e)n tw=| prutanei/w| sith/sews e)timh/sato, oi( de\ qana/tou e)ti/mhsan. e)de/deto ou)=n e)pi\ polu/, me/xris a)\n h( a)po\ *dh/lou *qewri\s a)fi/khtai. kai\ ou)k e)ch=n a)xqei/shs, pri\n e)panelqei=n, a)nairei=sqai/ tina kata\ di/khn. *kri/twnos de\ au)tw=| fugh\n sumbouleu/santos, ou)k h)boulh/qh, tou\s no/mous ei)pw\n dei=n mh\ parabai/nein. piw\n de\ to\ kw/neion, eu)xh=s e)pimnhsqei/s, qu/sate, e)/fh, tw=| *)asklhpiw=|. *ku/rsas de/ tis o)/noma, *xi=os to\ ge/nos, w(s suneso/menos h)=lqe *swkra/tei: w(=| kaqeudh/santi para\ to\n ta/fon o)/nar o)fqei\s w(mi/lhsen. a)pe/pleuse de\ eu)qu\s e)kei=nos, tou=to mo/non a)polau/sas tou= filoso/fou.
469-399 BCE. See also
sigma 830, and generally Alexander Nehamas in OCD4) s.v. Socrates.
Comparison of similar texts reveals no firm source for the entirety of this material, the closest being
Diogenes Laertius' biography in his
Lives of the Philosophers (D.L. 2.18-47). Rather than annotate the overwhelming list of names in this entry, I shall comment only on those presenting some problem or question. The rest may be found in OCD4, but for a discussion of the more significant names put into the context of their schools, see the Vander Waerdt anthology in the bibliography below.
[1] No work entitled
The Philosophical History is attributed to the third and fourth century CE Neo-Platonist
Porphyry. What we now call by that title is
Damascius' work formerly called
The Life of Isidore. See web address 1 below.
[2] Or perhaps Aristeides' granddaughter. According to the biographers
Plutarch (
Aristeides 27.3) and
Diogenes Laertius (2.26), this story goes back to
Aristotle and would make Socrates a bigamist; cf.
lambda 377.
Plutarch at 27.4 doubts the alleged work of
Aristotle is really the philosopher's and refers to a strong refutation of the tale by Panaetius (fr. 132).
[3] The 77th Olympiad is 470-467, much too early for the Peloponnesian War (431-404). Evidently there is some compression or carelessness here, and we should read '[having been born] in the 77th Olympiad.
[4] So the transmitted text, but probably the name Lysanias should be genitive, not accusative, i.e.
Aeschines, son of Lysanias, of Sphettos; cf. under
alphaiota 346.
[5] With this sentence another source appears to take over, repeating some of the earlier material and adding more.
[6] cf.
epsilon 2859.
[7] The name should be Konnos: see
Euthydemus 272C (and cf.
kappa 2048?). For the
kithara see generally
kappa 1590.
Solon, who died in 560/559, could hardly have taunted Socrates, who died in 399. Furthermore, the reproach seems an odd one to attribute to
Solon, whose famous verse 'I grow old, constantly learning many things' (fr.18) had wide currency in antiquity.
[9] The notion that Socrates swore by a plane tree derives from a confused memory of the scene in
Phaedrus 236E, where Phaedrus (not Socrates) playfully suggests he will swear by the plane tree growing on the banks of the Ilissus, where they sit for their discussion.
Aristophanes does not charge him with this oath in the
Clouds. It occurs several times in
Plato, e.g.
Gorgias 461A and 482B. In the latter instance it is given more fully as 'by the dog, the god of the Egyptians.' Anubis, perhaps?
[10] cf.
tau 628.
[11] This term,
ku/rsas, otherwise appears only as a participle in the Epic language meaning 'having happened upon', but nowhere as a proper name.
Paul A. Vander Waerdt, ed., The Socratic Movement. Cornell University Press, 1994
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; chronology; dialects, grammar, and etymology; dreams; epic; ethics; food; gender and sexuality; geography; history; law; military affairs; meter and music; philosophy; religion; science and technology; trade and manufacture; women
Translated by: Oliver Phillips â on 9 August 2003@18:01:06.
Vetted by:David Whitehead (augmented headword and keywords; added initial note; modified note 3; reversed notes 4 and 5; cosmetics) on 10 August 2003@07:27:42.
David Whitehead (augmented notes; cosmetics) on 11 August 2003@07:03:11.
David Whitehead (x-ref in n.2.) on 27 August 2004@08:04:37.
Catharine Roth (fixed wrong note number, reported by Andrew Smith) on 11 October 2004@00:55:33.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 9 October 2005@08:44:54.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 20 November 2005@09:35:18.
David Whitehead (another note (on Aeschines)) on 14 October 2010@07:51:33.
Catharine Roth (tweaked notes) on 7 December 2013@00:01:09.
Catharine Roth (deleted a link) on 7 December 2013@00:07:02.
David Whitehead (more keywords; tweaking; raised status) on 31 December 2013@03:58:03.
David Whitehead on 9 August 2014@11:42:58.
David Whitehead (tweaked tr at one point; another x-ref) on 5 February 2016@04:03:33.
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