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Search results for sigma,817 in Adler number:
Adler number: sigma,817
Translated headword: Sophocles, Sophokles
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Athenian, tragedian and lyric poet, descendant of the ancient [
Sophocles].[1] He was born after the Pleias, that is after the 7 tragedians who were also named Pleias.[2] Plays of his [number] 15.
Greek Original:*sofoklh=s, *)aqhnai=os, tragiko\s kai\ luriko/s, a)po/gonos tou= palaiou=. ge/gone de\ meta\ th\n *pleia/da, h)/toi meta\ tou\s z# tragikou\s oi(/tines w)noma/sqhsan kai\ *pleia/s. dra/mata au)tou= ie#.
Keywords: biography; chronology; geography; poetry; tragedy
Translated by: Wm. Blake Tyrrell on 29 September 2003@21:03:03.
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