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Search results for sigma,813 in Adler number:
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Headword: *sofisth/s
Adler number: sigma,813
Translated headword: sophist
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] any/every craftsman.[1] Also he who practices speaking;[2] and he who slanders purposely in his speeches.[3]
Greek Original:
*sofisth/s: pa=s texni/ths. kai\ o( to\ lektiko\n h)skhkw/s: kai\ o( e)phrea/zwn e(kw\n e)n toi=s lo/gois.
Likewise or similarly in other lexica; references at Photius sigma426 Theodoridis.
See also sigma 812, sigma 814.
[1] cf. Plato, Protagoras 316D-E.
[2] cf. Plato, Gorgias 449D, Meno 95C, Phaedrus 267A, Symposium 198C; Aristotle, Rhetoric 1404b.
[3] cf. Aelius Aristides (79,1 Diels-Kranz); Plato, Cratylus 403E.
M. Canto-Sperber (ed.), Philosophie grecque (Paris 1997)
E. Dupreel, Les sophistes; Protagoras, Gorgias, Prodicus, Hippias (Neuchatel 1948)
W.K.C. Guthrie, The History of Greek Philosophy, vol. III: The fifth-Century Enlightment (Cambridge 1969)
P. Woodruff, "Plato's Early Theory of Knowledge," in H. Benson (ed.), Essays on the Philosophy of Socrates (Oxford 1992)
Keywords: definition; ethics; philosophy; rhetoric
Translated by: Marisa Divenosa on 16 November 1999@20:22:34.
Vetted by:
Svetla Slaveva on 18 February 2000@17:23:38.
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; cosmetics) on 16 June 2002@09:47:23.
Catharine Roth (restorative and other cosmetics) on 5 December 2006@11:03:28.
David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 6 December 2006@03:09:44.
Aikaterini Oikonomopoulou (Small editorial corrections, plus improvement of translation.) on 25 May 2012@09:19:38.
David Whitehead (added primary note and another keyword; tweaks and cosmetics) on 30 December 2013@07:50:53.


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