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Search results for sigma,806 in Adler number:
Adler number: sigma,806
Translated headword: wisdom
Vetting Status: high
Translation: ["It was quickly given the name 'wisdom'], and the person who makes profession of it a 'wise man', the one who might be accurately versed[1] in the excellence of the soul, while he who delighted in wisdom was a 'philosopher'."[2]
Both fluency of speech and knowledge of divine matters [are] wisdom.[3]
Greek Original:*sofi/a: kai\ sofo/s, o( tau/thn e)paggello/menos, o(\s a)\n ei)/h kata\ a)kro/thta yuxh=s a)phkribwme/nos, filo/sofos de\ o( sofi/an a)spazo/menos. *sofi/a kai\ h( eu)glwtti/a kai\ h( tw=n qei/wn e)pi/gnwsis.
The main paragraph here derives from the proem of
Diogenes Laertius (1.12).
sigma 805,
sigma 807,
sigma 808,
sigma 809.
a)phkribwme/nos: cf.
Isocrates 12.28.
[2] Literally, wisdom-lover. On the relationship between philosophers, sophists (
sigma 812,
sigma 813,
sigma 814), and
philosophia see generally W.K.C. Guthrie,
The History of Greek Philosophy, vols. III, Cambridge, CUP, 1969.
[3] At
delta 1170, on
Dionysius the Areopagite,
sofi/a and
eu)glwtti/a are associated.
Keywords: definition; ethics; philosophy; religion; rhetoric
Translated by: Marisa Divenosa on 14 January 2000@21:00:59.
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