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Search results for sigma,805 in Adler number:
Adler number: sigma,805
Translated headword: wisdom
Vetting Status: high
Translation: In a general sense [wisdom is] the act of learning everything, and skill [
te/xnh],[1] and practical wisdom [
fro/nhsis],[2] and knowledge, intellect.
On one occasion
Homer used "wisdom" not as [we do] now [meaning] the equipping of one's character through speech and deeds, but the craft of carpentry.[3] "He [an expert carpenter] knows his wisdom well".[4]
Greek Original:*sofi/an: koinw=s a(pa/ntwn ma/qhsin, kai\ th\n te/xnhn, th\n fro/nhsin, kai\ e)pisth/mhn, to\n nou=n. a(/pac e)xrh/sato *(/omhros sofi/a|, ou) kaqa/per nu=n th\n dia\ lo/gou kai\ pragma/twn e)piskeuh\n tou= h)/qous, a)lla\ th\n tektonikh\n te/xnhn. eu)= ei)dh=| sofi/hs.
The headword is in the accusative case, evidently quoted from somewhere, and the initial glossing is the same or similar in other lexica; references at
Photius sigma423 Theodoridis.
See also
sigma 806,
sigma 807,
sigma 808,
sigma 809.
[1] For the interpretation of
te/xnh as
sofi/a and
e)pisth/mh, see P. Woodruff, "
Plato's Early Theory of Knowledge," in H. Benson (ed.),
Essays on the Philosophy of Socrates, Oxford, OUP, 1992.
[2] cf.
phi 726;
sofi/a and
fro/nhsis are often identified with
e)pisth/mh (Cf.
Euthydemus 281D-ff.,
Theaitetus 169D); they are recognized as different (
Antigone 351ff), but both have the common meaning of understanding or knowledge and wisdom.
[3] Adler reports that mss GM add
le/gwn 'when speaking of', for clarity.
Iliad 15.412. (Neither
sofi/h nor any of its cognates appears again in
W.K.C. Guthrie, The History of Greek Philosophy, Vols. III and IV, Cambridge, CUP, 1969
Keywords: definition; epic; philosophy; science and technology; trade and manufacture
Translated by: Marisa Divenosa on 14 January 2000@20:49:35.
Vetted by:Svetla Slaveva on 11 February 2000@01:10:05.
Marcelo Boeri (Minor alterations. Set status.) on 3 November 2000@01:54:42.
Catharine Roth (restorative and other cosmetics, additional keywords) on 7 October 2002@20:11:14.
Ross Scaife ✝ (improved betacoded Greek) on 8 October 2002@07:43:29.
Catharine Roth (translated Platonic references) on 8 October 2002@22:23:54.
Catharine Roth (one more restoration) on 9 October 2002@11:57:54.
David Whitehead (added keyword; cosmetics) on 8 July 2003@08:48:45.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 21 November 2005@06:42:08.
David Whitehead (more notes; tweaks and cosmetics) on 30 December 2013@07:16:01.
Catharine Roth (tweaked translation) on 19 March 2022@18:30:29.
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