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Headword: *souphriano/s
Adler number: sigma,799
Translated headword: Superianus, Souperianos
Vetting Status: high
Sophist. An Isaurian by birth;[1] a member of Lachares'[2] school. This Superianus was rather a late learner and somewhat dull by nature; but he was so painstaking and serious-minded that, beginning when he was more than 30 years old, he read the books of the orators and (put simply) applied his mind to liberal pursuits, and compelled himself - not sparing rebukes and beatings -- to learn at such an age what is demanded of everyone else in their youth, when they are still boys with pedagogues and teachers.[3] Superianus was often seen in the baths after a self-administered beating. And he did not fail in what he hoped for, but shortly after in gleaming and much-sung Athens he was proclaimed a sophist, and scarcely fell short of Lachares' fame. For I know that Lachares too became a sophist through diligence more than natural ability; for I have come upon his speeches, and he seems to me (judging from his style) to be very diligent, but lacking nobility of nature. I have seen an image of the man, which plainly declares what Lachares was like by nature: he was rather slow of speech, but handsome and fine in appearance; as to virtue, he deserves to be called a philosopher rather than a sophist. He was an especially pious man, and having lost his sight he regained it.
Greek Original:
*souphriano/s, sofisth/s, to\ ge/nos *)/isauros, th=s *laxa/rou diatribh=s. e)ge/neto de\ ou(=tos o( *souphriano\s o)yimaqh\s me\n i(kanw=s kai\ th\n fu/sin u(ponwqe/steros, ou(/tw de\ e)pi/ponos kai\ spoudai=os, w(/ste pleio/nwn h)\ l# e)tw=n a)rca/menon a)naginw/skein ta\ tw=n r(hto/rwn bibli/a, kai\ a(plw=s fa/nai, lo/gois e)leuqe/rois prose/xein th\n dia/noian, e(auto\n a)paitei=n pro\s a)na/gkhs, ou)de\ e)pitimh/sewn ou)de\ masti/gwn feido/menon, e)kmanqa/nein e)n tw=| thlikou/tw| th=s h(liki/as, a(/per oi( a)/lloi pa/ntes e)n th=| neo/thti a)paitou=ntai pai=des e)/ti o)/ntes u(po\ paidagwgw=n te kai\ didaska/lwn. a)ll' o(/ge *souphriano\s au)to\s u(f' e(autou= memastigwme/nos e(wra=to polla/kis e)n toi=s balanei/ois. ou)/koun ou)de\ dih/marten e)lpi/dos: a)lla\ mikro\n u(/steron e)n tai=s liparai=s kai\ a)oidi/mois *)aqh/nais a)nhgoreu/eto sofisth/s, ou) pa/nu th=s *laxa/rou do/chs a)poleipo/menos. oi)=da ga\r kai\ *laxa/rhn gegono/ta sofisth\n e)c e)pimelei/as to\ ple/on h)\ fu/sews: e)ne/tuxon ga\r au)tou= lo/gois. kai/ moi e)/docen a)po\ tou= lo/gou ei)ka/zonti/ moi th\n prw/thn e)pimelh\s me\n ei)=nai sfo/dra, th\n de\ fu/sin a)genne/steros. ei)=don de\ kai\ ei)ko/na tou= a)ndro/s, a)/ntikrus a)pagge/llousan oi(=os h)=n *laxa/rhs th\n fu/sin: o(/ti bradu/teros me\n pro\s tou\s lo/gous, kalo\s de\ kai\ a)gaqo\s th\n o)/yin pro\s a)reth/n, filo/sofos a)/cios kalei=sqai ma=llon h)\ sofisth/s. e)pei\ kai\ a)/llws qeofilh\s a)nh\r h)=n o( *laxa/rhs, o(/sge ta\s o)/yeis a)pobalw\n pa/lin a)nekth/sato.
RE Superianos; PLRE II Superianus. The present material is Damascius, Life of Isidore fr. 140 Zintzen.
[1] Isauria was 'an ill-defined region of the Taurus mountains sandwiched between Pisidia to the west, Lycaonia to the north, and Rugged Cilicia' (OCD4 s.v.).
[2] [lambda 165] Lachares.
[3] The study of rhetoric normally begin in one's early- or mid-teens; cf. [omicron 1079] opsimathes.
Keywords: art history; biography; daily life; ethics; geography; medicine; philosophy; rhetoric
Translated by: Malcolm Heath on 23 March 1999@16:39:35.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; cosmetics) on 13 September 2002@09:04:51.
David Whitehead (another note; more keywords) on 30 December 2013@07:00:47.
David Whitehead (updated a ref) on 9 August 2014@11:38:43.
David Whitehead (coding) on 26 May 2016@05:46:59.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 19 March 2022@00:55:50.


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