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Search results for sigma,792 in Adler number:
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Headword: *sou=
Adler number: sigma,792
Translated headword: shoo!
Vetting Status: high
Aristophanes in Wasps [writes]: 'where, where's the hunting-net? Shoo, shoo, again shoo!'. In reference to birds.[1]
And elsewhere Aristophanes [writes]: '"it suits a wise man, who is able in an instant to abbreviate many words excellently". But for my part, smitten by a common calamity, I come as a suppliant to you'.[2]
Greek Original:
*sou=: *)aristofa/nhs *sfhci/: pou=, pou= 'sti mou= to\ di/ktuon; sou=, sou=, pa/lin sou=. e)pi\ o)rne/wn. kai\ au)=qis *)aristofa/nhs: sofou= pro\s a)ndro/s, o(/s tis e)n braxei= pollou\s kalw\s oi(=o/s te suntemei=n lo/gous. e)gw\ de\ koinh=| cumfora=| peplhgme/nos i(ke/ths a)fi=gmai pro\s se/.
[1] Aristophanes, Wasps 208-9 (web address 1), with comment from the scholia there; cf. epsilon 2807. The headword, not commented on by this scholiast, is the passive imperative of the verb so/w or soe/w, alternative forms of seu/w (MacDowell ad loc.).
[2] Aristophanes, Thesmophoriazusae 177-180 (web address 2), the first two of these lines quoting Euripides; cf. kappa 2556, omicroniota 154. For 'common' read 'novel', a change of one letter in the Greek. The connection between this and the rest of the entry is opaque.
Aristophanes, Wasps, edited with introduction and commentary by Douglas M. MacDowell (Oxford 1971)
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: comedy; dialects, grammar, and etymology; tragedy; zoology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 25 April 2003@06:04:33.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (added links, reduced note) on 25 December 2004@15:25:53.
David Whitehead (expanded n.1) on 31 December 2004@07:15:17.
David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 18 August 2011@10:59:07.


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