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Adler number: sigma,777
Translated headword: Solon
Vetting Status: high
Translation: The [Amphictyons] chose this man as advisor for their war on the Kirrhaians.[1] They asked the [sc. Delphic] oracle about victory, and the Pythia[2] replied: 'you will not take and throw down the tower of this city until on my precinct shall dash the wave of blue-eyed Amphitrite, roaring over the wine-dark sea.' So
Solon persuaded them to consecrate the territory of Kirrha to the god -- in order, of course, that the sea would become Apollo's neighbour. And
Solon invented another trick to deploy against the Kirrhaians: for the water of the river [Pleistos] ran along a channel into the city, and he diverted it elsewhere. And they held out against the besiegers by drinking from wells and also rain-water. But he threw hellebore roots into the river, and when he reckoned that the water contained enough of the drug he turned it back again into the channel -- and the Kirrhaians freely took their fill of the water. And the [Kirrhaians], those on the wall, deserted the garrison because of their diarrhoea, but the Amphictyons captured the garrison and the city.[3]
Greek Original:*so/lwn: tou=ton ei(/lonto oi( *kirrai/ois polemei=n h(|rhme/noi su/mboulon. xrwme/nois de\ sfi/si peri\ ni/khs a)nei=pen h( *puqw/: ou) pri\n th=sde po/lhos e)rei/yete pu/rgon e(lo/ntes, pri/n ken e)mw=| teme/nei kuanw/pidos *)amfitri/ths ku=ma potiklu/zoi, keladou=n e)pi\ oi)/nopa po/nton. e)/peisen ou)=n o( *so/lwn kaqierw=sai tw=| qew=| th\n *ki/rraian, i(/na dh\ tw=| teme/nei tou= *)apo/llwnos ge/nhtai gei/twn h( qa/latta. eu(re/qh de\ kai\ e(/teron tw=| *so/lwni so/fisma e)s tou\s *kirrai/ous: tou= ga\r potamou= to\ u(/dwr r(e/on di' o)xetou= e)s th\n po/lin a)pe/streyen a)llaxo/se. kai\ oi( me\n pro\s tou\s poliorkou=ntas e)/ti a)ntei=xon e)/k te frea/twn kai\ to\ u(/dwr to\ e)k qeou= pi/nontes. o( de\ tou= e(llebo/rou ta\s r(i/zas e)mbalw\n e)s to\n potamo/n, e)peidh\ i(kanw=s tou= farma/kou to\ u(/dwr h)/|sqeto e)/xon, a)nte/streyen au)=qis e)s to\n o)xeto/n, kai\ e)neforh/santo a)ne/dhn oi( *kirrai=oi tou= u(/datos. kai\ oi( me\n u(po\ th=s diarroi/as e)ce/lipon, oi( de\ e)pi\ tou= tei/xous th=s froura=s *)amfiktu/ones ei(=lon th\n froura\n kai\ th\n po/lin.
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Keywords: biography; botany; definition; food; geography; historiography; history; medicine; military affairs; religion; women
Translated by: David Whitehead on 24 September 2010@05:10:58.
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