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Search results for sigma,776 in Adler number:
Adler number: sigma,776
Translated headword: Solon
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Solon, son of Exekestides, Athenian, philosopher, legislator and demagogue. He flourished in the 47th Olympiad, though some [say] the 56th.[1] After the tyrant Peisistratus had plotted against him, he emigrated to
Cilicia and founded a city, which he called
Soloi after himself. Some [say] he also founded
Soloi in
Cyprus,[2] [naming it] after himself, and that he died in
Cyprus. He wrote laws for [the] Athenians, which some named Axles because they were written on wooden axles in
Athens.[3] [He wrote] an elegiac poem called
Salamis, an elegiac
Counsels, and other things. This man is one of the so-called Seven Sages. The following sayings are attributed to him: "nothing in excess," and "know yourself."[4]
Greek Original:*so/lwn, *)echkesti/dou, *)aqhnai=os, filo/sofos, nomoqe/ths kai\ dhmagwgo/s. ge/gone de\ e)pi\ th=s mz# *)olumpia/dos, oi( de\ n#2#. e)pibouleuqei\s d' u(po\ *peisistra/tou tou= tura/nnou a)pedh/mhsen e)n *kiliki/a| kai\ e)/ktise po/lin, h(\n *so/lous e)ka/lesen e)c au(tou=. oi( de\ kai\ tou\s e)n *ku/prw| *so/lous e)c au)tou= fasi kai\ teleuth=sai au)to\n e)n *ku/prw|. e)/graye no/mous *)aqhnai/ois, oi(/ tines *)/acones w)noma/sqhsan dia\ to\ grafh=nai au)tou\s e)n culi/nois a)/cosin *)aqh/nhsi: poi/hma di' e)legei/wn, o(\ *salami\s e)pigra/fetai: *(upoqh/kas di' e)legei/as: kai\ a)/lla. e)/sti de\ kai\ ou(=tos ei(=s tw=n z# o)nomazome/nwn sofw=n. kai\ fe/retai au)tou= a)po/fqegma to/de, mhde\n a)/gan, h)\ to/, gnw=qi sauto/n.
Solon see also
sigma 777,
sigma 779,
sigma 781, and generally Peter
Rhodes in OCD4 s.v. The present entry shares material with
Diogenes Laertius (1.45, 51, 62-3) and a scholion on
Republic 10.559E, where S. is mentioned.
[1] The alternatives given here are 592-589 and 556-553. Adler notes the emendation of the latter by Bernhardy (endorsed by Rohde) which would produce "46th", i.e. 596-593.
Solon was born c. 630-625 (see J.K. Davies,
Athenian Propertied Families 600-300 BC (Oxford 1971) 323-4), so these are certainly
floruit dates.
[2] See
sigma 781. (A link between
Solon and either of these cities is nonsense.)
[3] See
alpha 2833 and
nu 484.
[4] More usually regarded as Delphic wisdom; cf.
gamma 334.
Keywords: biography; chronology; constitution; daily life; ethics; geography; history; law; philosophy; poetry; politics; proverbs
Translated by: Claudia Mársico on 4 February 1999@08:56:26.
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