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Search results for sigma,773 in Adler number:
Adler number: sigma,773
Translated headword: Solomon
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Son of
David, king of the Jews, powerful and well-known for intelligence and might, he did not cease judging the people in the intelligence and wisdom of the Almighty, and in exercizing all this wisdom full of a godly grace he created very many disciples of his instruction. In achieving these and suchlike things, and being influenced by a mind easily led away by nature toward the pleasures of the body, he married women a thousand in number, and was persuaded by them to become an idolater. Wherefore God commanded that his kingdom be divided, not in his time because of His remembrance of
David his father, but after his death.[1]
"On the mighty," as Solomon says, "a severe investigation is imposed."[2] That is, he demands an account from those having completed life in excellence; and he is long-suffering towards the other men who greatly transgress the law, and he does not give a share of this pardon to the holy men. And again Solomon [says]: "for the least is pardonable by mercy; powerful men will be powerfully tested."[3]
So 'Solomon' is declined 'Solomontos', but amongst us 'Solomon' is declined 'Solomonos'.
[Note] that the old [Testament] calls Solomon 'Salomon', from the city Salem, that is peace: for in his time there was peace.[4]
Greek Original:*solomw=n, ui(o\s *dabi/d, basileu\s *)ioudai/wn, fronh/sei kai\ duna/mei kai\ plou/tw| dunato\s kai\ perifanh/s, dika/zwn te to\n lao\n e)n fronh/sei kai\ sofi/a| tou= krei/ttonos ou) die/leipen h)/skei te pa=san sofi/an qei/as xa/ritos ge/mousan kai\ th=s didaskali/as a)kroata\s plei/stous e)poiei=to. tau=ta/ te kai\ ta\ toiau=ta diapratto/menos, tw=| th=s fu/sews eu)alw/tw| peri\ ta\s tou= sw/matos h(dona\s u(pago/menos a)/getai me\n gunai=kas xili/as to\n a)riqmo/n, pei/qetai de\ u(p' au)tw=n ei)dwlola/trhs gene/sqai. dio\ prose/tacen o( qeo\s merisqh=nai th\n au)tou= basilei/an, ou)k e)pi\ tw=n xro/nwn au)tou=, dia\ mnh/mhn *dabi\d tou= patro\s au)tou=, a)lla\ meta\ th\n au)tou= teleuth/n. o(/ti toi=s krataioi=s, w(/s fhsi *solomw=n, i)sxura\ e)fi/statai e)/reuna. toute/sti tou\s e)n a)reth=| telei/ous th\n a)kri/beian a)paitei=: kai\ toi=s a)/llois a)nqrw/pois mega/la paranomou=si makroqumei=: toi=s de\ a(gi/ois tau/ths ou) metadi/dwsi th=s suggnw/mhs. kai\ au)=qis o( *solomw=n: o( me\n ga\r e)la/xistos suggnwsto/s e)stin e)le/ous: dunatoi\ de\ dunatw=s e)tasqh/sontai. *solomw=n ou)=n *solomw=ntos kli/netai, *solomw=n de\ *solomw=nos par' h(mi=n. o(/ti h( palaia\ to\n *solomw=nta *salomw=nta kalei=, a)po\ th=s *salh\m po/lews, o(/ e)stin ei)rh/nh: e)n ga\r toi=s xro/nois au)tou= ei)rh/nh h)=n.
See already
sigma 772, and again
sigma 774.
[1] John of
Antioch fr.18.3 FHG (4.549), now 35 Roberto.
Wisdom of Solomon 6:9
Wisdom of Solomon 6:7
[4] From
sigma 57.
Keywords: biography; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; gender and sexuality; geography; historiography; law; religion; women
Translated by: Bobbiejo Winfrey ✝ on 2 April 2003@09:14:02.
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