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Search results for sigma,772 in Adler number:
Adler number: sigma,772
Translated headword: Solomon
Vetting Status: high
Translation: King of
Jerusalem, son of
David from Bathsheba the wife of Uriah: he who married women from the gentiles against the command of God. Of them he had, including the Israelite women, altogether 700 brides and 300 concubines. When he had already passed the prime of life, his mind was turned away by his foreign women towards idolatry: for he served Ashtoreth, a god of the Sidonians, and Chamos, a god of the Ammonites. And out of his thousand women Rehoboam[2] was his only male son, and this son himself took for a wife Naamah the foreign Ammonitess -- he who was unworthy of his empire. For polygamy does not make a breed of goodly children.
Greek Original:*solomw=n, basileu\s *(ierousalh/m, ui(o\s *dabi\d e)k th=s *ou)ri/ou gunaiko\s *bhrsabe/e: o(/stis gunai=kas e)c e)qnw=n h)ga/geto para\ th\n e)ntolh\n tou= qeou=. ai( de\ h)=san au)tw=| ai( su/mpasai gametai\ me\n a(/ma tai=s *)israhli/tisi y#, pallakai\ de\ t#. h)/dh de\ probebhkw\s th\n h(liki/an u(po\ tw=n e)qnikw=n gunaikw=n diestre/feto to\n nou=n pro\s ei)dwlolatri/an: e)la/treuse ga\r th=| *)asta/rth|, qew=| *sidwni/wn, kai\ tw=| *xamw/s, qew=| *)ammanitw=n. ka)k tw=n xili/wn au)tw=| gunaikw=n mo/nos a)/rsen e)ge/neto *(roboa\m ui(o/s, kai\ au)to\s e)c a)llofu/lou *naamma\s th=s *)ammani/tidos, a)na/cios th=s a)rxh=s. ou) ga\r h( polugami/a th\n eu)tekni/an poiei=.
Keywords: biography; children; ethics; gender and sexuality; geography; religion; women
Translated by: Bobbiejo Winfrey ✝ on 1 April 2003@09:59:52.
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