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Search results for sigma,759 in Adler number:
Adler number: sigma,759
Translated headword: imposing, pompous, rushing
Vetting Status: high
Translation: "Such a one I picture to myself, as is likely, and not uncharacteristically one who looks askance and is greedy and crafty, very slow for the better things, but very gluttonous, as much as possible filled with frenzy for the destruction of those who meet him. But pernicious and ruined, spattered with mud he went to the crows, the ill-omened and so to speak unmentionable man having received in succession the wages of his abomination; he who gives strange judgments condemned many, not fearing vengeance, not heeding Adrasteia, nor caring for Nemesis.[1] But these things are clear evidence of his Tartarus-like and Tantalian punishment;[2] [he] who did many evil deeds, who will pay many evil penalties."
Greek Original:*sobaro/s: toiou=ton a)nazwgrafw=, w(s ei)ko/s, kai\ ou)k a)/po tro/pou to\n parablw=pa kai\ filokerdh= kai\ kerdale/on, bradi/staton pro\s ta\ krei/ttona: lixnwde/staton de/, pro\s panwleqri/an tw=n e)ntugxano/ntwn e)kbebakxeume/non o(/ti ma/lista. a)ll' e)cw/lhs kai\ prow/lhs prophlakisqei\s e)s ko/rakas w)/|xeto, kata/llhla ta)pi/xeira th=s bdeluri/as o( a)potro/paios kai\ oi(=on a)pofra\s a)poisa/menos, o(\s a)na/rsia dika/zwn a)di/kws pollou\s katedi/kazen, o)/pin ou) dedoikw/s, ou)k a)le/gwn *)adra/steian, ou)de\ *ne/mesin e)mpazo/menos. a)lla\ tau=ta tekmh/ria e)nargh= th=s *tartarw/dous kai\ *tantalei/ou au)tou= timwri/as: o(\s kaka\ po/ll' e)/rdesken, o(\s kaka\ po/ll' a)poti/setai.
Aelian fr. 325 Hercher, based on the attribution to
Aelian by L.K. Valckenaer (1715-1785). Adler quoted with apparent approval the view of August Nauck (1822-1892) that the passage was Byzantine-period, and she saw similarities with
sigma 897 (q.v.); but still assigned to
Aelian by Domingo-Forasté (fr. 323 in his edition).
Oddly, the headword itself (for which see
sigma 755,
sigma 756,
sigma 757,
sigma 758) does not occur in the passage quoted.
[1] cf. generally
alpha 523,
alpha 524,
nu 162,
nu 163.
[2] cf. generally
tau 135,
tau 78,
tau 79,
tau 80,
tau 81.
Keywords: biography; economics; ethics; food; imagery; law; mythology; religion
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 17 October 2012@00:31:13.
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