*smw/digges: mw/lwpes. kai\ *smw=dic, mw/lwy, to\ e)k plhgw=n oi)/dhma.
[1] =
Synagoge sigma154,
Photius sigma410 Theodoridis; cf.
Hesychius sigma1296. Probably from commentary to
Iliad 23.716, where the headword appears in this form (nominative plural), of Ajax and Odysseus in a wrestling match; see also n. 2.
[2] =
Synagoge sigma155,
Photius sigma411 Theodoridis; from commentary to
Iliad 2.267, where the headword appears in this form (nominative singular); cf. Apollonius Sophistes,
Homeric Lexicon 143.18-21, who ascribes the gloss to
Apion (fr. 123). For similar but independent glosses see
Pausanias the Atticist zeta5,
Hesychius sigma1297, ps.-Herodian (
On Orthography 3.2.582.22).
No. of records found: 1
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