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Search results for sigma,741 in Adler number:
Adler number: sigma,741
Translated headword: chiselings
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] things thrown out from a chisel. Meaning [sc. here] scrapings, irritations. "And chiselings of works when a man is defending himself."
Greek Original:*smileu/mata: e)kballo/mena a)po\ smi/lhs. a)nti\ tou= diaglu/mmata, e)reqi/smata. smileu/mata/ t' e)/rgwn fwto\s a)munome/nou.
Frogs 819-820 (where however some editions adopt Heiberg's emendation to
smileumatoergou=), with comments from the
scholia; cf.
Hesychius sigma1255. On chisels, see also
sigma 742.
Keywords: art history; comedy; definition; imagery; poetry; science and technology; trade and manufacture; tragedy
Translated by: William Hutton on 8 March 2014@15:06:56.
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