[Meaning] a mass of bees.[1] Like a swarm. In a special sense a gathering of bees[2] is called a hive. So he is using the trope in Homeric fashion, for he says about Nestor, "And from his tongue his voice flowed sweeter than honey."[3] The dative is tw=| smh/nei.
Also [sc. attested is] smhnourgei=n, ["to make a hive"], a verb.[4]
*smh=nos: plh=qos melissw=n. oi(onei\ e)smo/s. i)di/ws de\ smh=nos kalei=tai to\ su/sthma tw=n melissw=n. *(omhrikw=s ou)=n ke/xrhtai th=| troph=|: fhsi\ ga\r peri\ tou= *ne/storos, tou= kai\ a)po\ glw/sshs me/litos gluki/wn r(e/en au)dh/. h( dotikh\ tw=| smh/nei. kai\ *smhnourgei=n, r(h=ma.
The first paragraph of the entry combines commentary on
Wasps 425 and
Clouds 297. In the former the neuter headword, which can be either nominative or accusative, functions as accusative; in the latter as nominative.
For a separate gloss of the plural of this word, see
sigma 734.
[1] =
Synagoge sigma149,
Photius sigma401 Theodoridis; cf. ps.-Herodian (
Epimerismi 127.12),
Pollux 1.254,
Etymologicum Gudianum 506.48-9.
[2] A confused compression of a comment on
Aristophanes's metaphorical use of the term in
Wasps 425. A scholion on this verse says, "Properly (
kuri/ws) a gathering of bees, but intentionally [
e)pithdei/ws] [
Aristophanes] said this here also, because the gathering of old men is wasp-like." In the Suda's version of this, the "gathering of old men" has become, by dittography, another "gathering of bees", and the second adverb
e)pithdei/ws seems to have been replaced with or shortened to
i)di/ws ["in a special sense"] and inserted in place of
kuri/ws. The effect is to reverse the point of the original scholium by asserting that it is the "mass of bees" that is the non-standard sense of the word, an assertion also that contradicts the initial gloss given in the entry itself.
Iliad 1.249.
[4] This form of this very rare verb, present active infinitive, is unattested elsewhere. (
Strabo twice uses impersonal middle forms of the verb: 11.7.2 and 2.1.14.) For related nouns see
Pollux 7.101.
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