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Adler number: sigma,710
Translated headword: Skylax, Scylax
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Of Karyanda (Karyanda is a city of
Karia near
Halikarnassos),[1] mathematician and man of letters. [He wrote]
Circumnavigation of Places Outside the Pillars of Herakles;[2]
The Story of Herakleides King of the Mylasians;
Circuit of the Earth;
Response to the History of Polybios.
Greek Original:*sku/lac, *karuandeu/s [po/lis d' e)sti\ th=s *kari/as plhsi/on *(alikarnassou= ta\ *karu/anda], maqhmatiko\s kai\ mousiko/s. *peri/ploun tw=n e)kto\s tw=n *(hrakle/ous sthlw=n, *ta\ kata\ *(hraklei/dhn to\n *mulassw=n basile/a, *gh=s peri/odon, *)antigrafh\n pro\s th\n *polubi/ou i(stori/an.
See generally OCD4 s.v.
Scylax; FGrH 709.
There is much confusion in the present entry. The travels of Skylax of Karyanda at the behest of king Darius I are mentioned by
Herodotos 4.44. He cannot, however, be the author of the
Periplous tes thalasses tes oikoumenes (
Circumnavigation of the Inhabited Sea) that survives under his name, since from internal evidence it must be fourth-century BC (at least in its present form); accordingly it is known as 'Pseudo-Skylax'. The author of the response to
Polybios (
pi 1941) must have been later still.
[1] cf.
kappa 434.
[2] (For the Pillars see generally
eta 464.) In the MS of Suda we read
tw=n e)kto\s tw=n as above; editors have suggested e.g.
tw=n e)nto\s kai\ e)kto\s tw=n or
tw=n e)nto\s tw=n (see Jacoby's apparatus criticus to FGrHist 709 T 1). Emendation would be necessary if this book title referred to the
periplous preserved under Skylax's name; but the title
Circuit of the Earth may refer to that work.
Counillon, P. (2004), Pseudo-Skylax, Le Périple du Pont-Euxin (Scripta antiqua, 8). Bordeaux/Paris
'Fabricius, B.' [H.T. Dittrich] (1878), Anonymi, vulgo Scylacis Caryandensis, periplum maris interni cum appendice iterum recensuit B. Fabricius. Leipzig
Flensted-Jensen, P. and Hansen, M.H. (1996) "Pseudo-Skylax' use of the term polis," in M.H. Hansen and K. Raaflaub (eds.). More Studies in the Ancient Greek Polis = Historia. Einzelschriften 108, pp. 137-67. Stuttgart
Klausen, R.H. (ed. 1831), Hecataei Milesii fragmenta; Scylacis Caryandensis Periplus. Berlin
Marcotte, D. (1986), "Le périple dit de Scylax: esquisse d'un commentaire épigraphique et archéologique," Boll. class. 3.7: 166–82
Müller, C. (1855), Geographi Graeci minores, i. Paris
Shipley, G. (2002), "Pseudo-Skylax, The Periplous: a provisional translation," (updated 2009): web address 1.
Shipley, G. (2011), Pseudo-Skylax's Periplous: The Circumnavigation of the Inhabited Sea. Exeter.
Shipley, G. (2011), 'Pseudo-Skylax, Periplous', in H.-J. Gehrke (ed.), Fragmente der griechischen Historiker, 5. 2. Leiden.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; geography; historiography; mathematics; science and technology
Translated by: D. Graham J. Shipley on 14 July 2002@09:10:09.
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