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Search results for sigma,697 in Adler number:
Adler number: sigma,697
Translated headword: scriniarius, secretary
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] the records-keeper [chartularius] of the prefect; the one who carries the scrinium, that is, the case.[1]
Greek Original:*skrinia/rios: o( xartoula/rios tou= e)pa/rxou: o( ai)/rwn to\ skrini/on h)/toi to\ kibw/tion.
Adler reports that this entry is absent from mss AF, but is written in the margin of A in a more recent hand.
The headword, transliteration of a Latin term found in sources of the imperial era, is here nominative singular. It may be extracted from a literary source or it may be a generic lexical reference. For an independent definition of the same term cf. Etymologicum Magnum 718.58-719.3 (not Adler's '718.56').
[1] While a straightforward enough definition of the term, this phrase may also be an attempt to etymologize it as from (Latin) scrinium and the Greek verb ai)/rw ('take', 'carry').
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; politics
Translated by: William Hutton on 7 March 2014@15:11:58.
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