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Search results for sigma,686 in Adler number:
Adler number: sigma,686
Translated headword: spike
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] a kind of thorn, or a trap.[1]
"I would stick spikes into his shameless eyes while he is alive, and, if it were permitted, I would eat him raw."[2]
And elsewhere: "pull out the spike for me, which, evil thing, found its way into my hoof." The donkey says this to the wolf.
Greek Original:*skw=los: ei)=dos a)ka/nqhs, h)\ ska/ndalon. tou= me\n e)gw\ zw/ontos a)naide/sin e)mph/caimi skw/lous o)fqalmoi=si, kai/, ei) qe/mis, w)ma\ pasai/mhn. kai\ au)=qis: e)/k moi skw=lon e)/ruson, o(/ moi kako\n e)/mpesen o(plh=|. o( o)/nos fhsi\ pro\s to\n lu/kon.
[1] =
Synagoge sigma148,
Photius sigma397 Theodoridis; cf.
Hesychius sigma1067, sigma1212. Probably from commentary to
Iliad 13.564, where the headword occurs; cf.
scholia ad loc.
Hecale fr. 368.
[3] Precise source unidentifiable, but evidently a variant of the many donkey-and-wolf fables in the Aesopic corpus; e.g.
Babrius 2.122.
Keywords: botany; definition; epic; ethics; food; poetry; zoology
Translated by: William Hutton on 1 March 2014@00:42:10.
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