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Search results for sigma,653 in Adler number:
Adler number: sigma,653
Translated headword: Skopas, Scopas
Vetting Status: high
Translation: An Aetolian general, who, when he failed to obtain the office which had emboldened him to draft the laws, turned his attention towards Alexandria, convinced that by the hopes which resided there he would fill the gap in his life and satisfy the desire of his soul for gain. But he was insatiable: when he reached Alexandria, besides the profits [from the operations] of which he himself had been entrusted with absolute command, the king[1] also assigned him a personal daily wage of ten minas, with one mina for each of those serving under him. Even so he was not satisfied with this, but from the outset so devoted himself to gain that by the end, once his greed had made enemies of even who who were supplying it, he delivered his soul over to money.
Greek Original:*sko/pas, *ai)twlw=n strathgo/s, o(\s a)potuxw\n th=s a)rxh=s, h(=s xa/rin e)to/lma gra/fein tou\s no/mous, mete/wros h)=n e)s th\n *)aleca/ndreian, tai=s e)kei=qen e)lpi/si pepeisme/nos a)naplhrw/sein ta\ lei/ponta tou= bi/ou, kai\ th\n th=s yuxh=s pro\s to\ plei=on e)piqumi/an, a)ll' a)ko/restos h)=n: a)fikome/nw| ga\r e)s *)aleca/ndreian pro\s tai=s w)felei/as, w(=n h)=n au)to\s ku/rios dia\ to\ pisteu/esqai peri\ tw=n o(/lwn, kai\ th=s h(me/ras e(ka/sths o)yw/nion e)ce/qhken o( basileu\s au)tw=| dekamnaiai=on, toi=s de\ e)pi/ tinos h(gemoni/as meta\ tau=ta tetagme/nois mnaiai=on. a)ll' o(/mws ou)k h)rkei=to tou/tois, oi(=s to\ pro/teron proskarterw=n tw=| plei/oni diete/lese me/xri dia\ th\n a)plhsti/an kai\ par' au)toi=s toi=s didou=si fqonhqei\s to\ pneu=ma prose/qhke tw=| xrusi/w|.
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Web address 1
Keywords: biography; economics; ethics; geography; historiography; history; law; military affairs; politics
Translated by: David Whitehead on 2 November 2001@03:34:12.
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