*skni/y: zw=|on kwnwpw=des. kai\ skni=pes e)n pa=si toi=s o(ri/ois au)tw=n. kai\ paroimi/a: *skni\y e)k xw/ras. e)pi\ tw=n taxu\ metakinou/ntwn h( paroimi/a: e)/sti ga\r o( skni\y zw=|on mikro\n culofa/gon.
sigma 633.
[1] =
Synagoge sigma128;
Lexicon sigma350 Theodoridis; cf. Orion [
Myth] 148.32-34 (=
Etymologicum Magnum 718.16-18)
Psalm 104.31
LXX (105:31 KJV).
[3] = essentially
Photius sigma351 Theodoridis (from
Pausanias the Atticist sigma15) and already
Zenobius 5.35, except that they have
metaphdo/ntwn ('leaping around') which the Suda changes to
metakinou/ntwn ('moving around').
Zenobius also gives the proverb itself as
skni\y e)n xw/ra| ("a gnat in [the] country"), adds 'that leaps from place to place' at the end of the explanation, and attributes the phrase to
Strattis (fr. 70 Kock, now 74 K.-A.).
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