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Search results for sigma,630 in Adler number:
Adler number: sigma,630
Translated headword: Skitaloi
Vetting Status: high
Translation: In
Aristophanes [this means] men who are cheap and base. Skiton was some fuller,[1] and a cheap one, being lampooned because of his baseness.
Aristophanes [writes]: "come on Skitaloi[2] and Phenakes,"[3] quoth I, "and Bereschethoi[4] and Kobaloi[5] and Mothones,[6] and market-place in which I was brought up as a child: give me courage and a glib tongue, ease of speech and a shameless [utterance]." He made up the names, having fashioned certain shameless gods for a joke, and [the names] are presented as belonging to gods; like he was urging himself on and emboldening [himself] towards audaciousness and shamelessness. So Skitaloi [are] men who are cheap and base: for Skiton was some fuller and a cheap one, being lampooned on the basis of his baseness. Bereschethoi [are] mindless men; the term is fabricated. Koalemoi[7] [are] men who hear and perceive the unperceived. A Mothon [is] a cheap man; for the Lakones used to call men who attended freedmen 'Mothones'. [A mothon] is also a kind of dance. And the [phrase] "quoth I" means 'I said', as in
Greek Original:*ski/taloi: para\ *)aristofa/nei oi( eu)telei=s kai\ ponhroi/. h)=n *ski/twn knafeu/s tis kai\ eu)telh/s, e)pi\ ponhri/a| kwmw|dou/menos. *)aristofa/nhs: a)/ge dh\ *sku/taloi/ te kai\ *fe/nakes, h)=n d' e)gw/, *bere/sxeqoi/ te kai\ *ko/baloi kai\ *mo/qwnes, a)gora/ t', e)n h(=| pai=s w)\n e)paideu/qhn: nu=n moi qra/sos te kai\ glw=ttan eu)/poron do/te fwnh/n t' a)naidh=. w)nomatopoi/hsen a)napla/sas dai/mona/s tinas a)naidei=s e)pi\ xleu/h| kai\ profe/retai au)ta\ w(s qew=n: oi(=on protrepo/menos au(to\n kai\ qarsu/nwn ei)s eu)tolmi/an kai\ a)nai/deian. *ski/taloi me\n ou)=n oi( eu)telei=s kai\ ponhroi/: h)=n ga\r *ski/twn knafeu/s tis kai\ eu)telh\s e)pi\ ponhri/a| kwmw|dou/menos. *bere/sxeqoi de\ oi( a)no/htoi: pe/plastai de\ h( le/cis. *koa/lemoi de\ oi( a)no/hta koou=ntes kai\ noou=ntes. *mo/qwn de\ o( eu)telh/s: *mo/qwnas ga\r e)ka/loun oi( *la/kwnes tou\s parepome/nous toi=s e)leuqe/rois. e)/sti kai\ ge/nos o)rxh/sews. to\ de\ h)=n d' e)gw\ a)nti\ tou= e)/fhn de\ e)gw/, w(s para\ *pla/twni.
Knights 634-638, with material -- some of it given here twice over -- from the
scholia to 634. See also
Hesychius sigma1031.
[1] The Attic spelling of gnapheus; see
kappa 1855 and
gamma 328. Skiton is translated by LSJ s.v. as "Feeble", presumably on the basis of
Lexicon sigma345 Theodoridis, citing
Pherecrates. Attic prosopography (latterly LGPN ii) does not regard him as a real person, unlike his later namesake in
Demosthenes 21.182. (For an instance outside
Athens, a slave, see
Herodotus 3.130.5.)
[2] Here spelled Skutaloi.
[3] 'Quacks'; see
phi 197.
[4] 'Fools'; see
beta 244.
[5] 'Rogues'; see
kappa 1896,
kappa 1897, and
upsilon 393.
[6] (Singular in the original.) For 'Mothons' see
mu 1187 and
mu 1188.
[7] 'Blockheads'; see
kappa 1893 and
kappa 1894. (But Kobaloi is the term
Aristophanes has used (see above); the mention of Koalemoi here, by the scholiast and the Suda, is a slip.)
[8] See e.g.
Apology 20A-B, and passim elsewhere.
Keywords: children; comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; ethics; meter and music; philosophy; poetry; religion; rhetoric; trade and manufacture
Translated by: Brett Evans on 15 February 2014@23:43:44.
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