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Headword: *ski=ros
Adler number: sigma,624
Translated headword: sunshade
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning a] parasol. [The Skiron/Skira is] a particular festival celebrated for Athena, when they used to be concerned about sunshades at the peak of the summer heat. For skira [are] parasols.[1] But others say [sc. that it gets its name] not because of this, but from the [sc. statue of] Athena made of skira, which Theseus made when he returned after having killed the Minotaur. Skira is white earth, just like chalk.[2] And others still say that this name came into being from Skiros, the Eleusinian seer, but others from Skiros who unified Salamis.
Greek Original:
*ski=ros: skia/dion. e(orth/ tis a)gome/nh th=| *)aqhna=|, o(/te skiadei/wn e)fro/ntizon e)n a)kmh=| tou= kau/matos. ski/ra de\ ta\ skia/deia. oi( de\ ou) dia\ tou=to/ fasin, a)lla\ dia\ th\n a)po\ ski/rwn *)aqhna=n, h(\n *qhseu\s e)poi/hsen, o(/te e)panh/|ei a)poktei/nas to\n *minw/tauron. h( ski/ra de/ e)sti gh= leukh/, w(/sper gu/yos. oi( de\ fasi\n a)po\ *ski/rou tou= *)eleusini/ou ma/ntews gene/sqai th\n e)pwnumi/an tau/thn, a)/lloi de\ a)po\ *ski/rou tou= sunoiki/santos *salami=na.
After the initial gloss, this entry -- also in Photius (sigma342 Theodoridis) -- draws on scholia to (e.g.) Aristophanes, Ecclesiazusae 18, and Plato, Laws 828D.
See also sigma 623, sigma 625, sigma 626.
[1] On these parasols, see sigma 594.
[2] cf. sigma 617.
Keywords: aetiology; art history; biography; comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; mythology; philosophy; religion; science and technology; trade and manufacture
Translated by: Norita Dobyns on 24 February 2004@19:44:26.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (supplemented and modified translation; supplied note; augmented keywords) on 25 February 2004@03:49:56.
David Whitehead (tweaks and cosmetics) on 18 August 2011@07:45:24.
Catharine Roth (added cross-references) on 19 October 2013@01:23:07.
David Whitehead on 29 December 2013@08:58:22.


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